୭̥⋆*。✽ 𝐱𝐢𝐢.

Start from the beginning

While I observe the sight in front of me, Rose solves a problem I was thinking about. How to get Lita's attention. But Rose just runs over to Lita and tugs on her pants. The look on her face and the little jump were hilarious.

"What are you doing here?!" She asks while overcoming the initial shock, her hand still clutched to her chest. Rose climbs on her lap to give her a hug, which Lita doesn't hesitate to reciprocate.


"I'm so glad you're back! I was beginning to get bored. Erin is away on a business trip and I'm afraid Anna isn't very good at making conversation." She pouts.

"Not Anna, Nemo." Rose mumbles into Lita's chest. I tried to explain to her that the fish wasn't actually Nemo but it resulted in her throwing a fit. We'll try that again once she's ready for that conversation.

"Now, as much as we love seeing you-" I begin.

"Yeah!" My daughter interrupts. A bit too loudly for my taste, but also for Lita. She is quick to shush her before I can remind her to use our inside voice.

"-I actually came here because Rose has been very good in LA so I let her pick out something she wanted-"


"Oh you're one lucky girl aren't you?" Lita pokes her sides and Rose's giggles fill the room, mixed with Lita's and mine.

I could listen to that all day.

"Let's go get some tulips then!" Rose doesn't let Lita go though. The older woman looks at me pleading me to help her. I ponder for a couple of minutes, not knowing whether I should be nice and help her or if I should watch her struggle. The second option sounds so tempting but maybe I should be nice. Rose doesn't bulge no matter how many times I tried to pry her off our new friend, so Lita just stands up from her desk hair with Rose in her arms.

Before leaving the office, she mumbles something about her cup of tea. With her hands full, she won't be able to hold it so to save her a trip, I take it for her. The smell hits my nose, it's a subtle and airy fresh smell.

She sends me a smile and we exit her office to get to the front of the shop where the tulips are.

"Which one do you want honey?" We stand in front of Lita's flowers and she looks at them all intensely. She's so focused, let's hope she'll be just as focused when she starts school. She probably won't, or at least not for long. Let's face it, school is pretty boring. The 'Land of Oppression' as a friend of mine used to call it in high school.

"All of them!"

"All of them?! But what am I supposed to do if you buy all my tulips?"

"I dunnooooooo." She shrugs. This kid seriously does not care and I'm here for it.

Rose begins to try to wiggle out of Lita's hold but fails miserably. To tease her, Lita doesn't put her own despite Rose's pleads. It worked for a while, they had their fun until Rose had enough and Lita puts her on the ground. We let her walk away, clearly more interested in running around than taking part in our conversation.

"How was LA?" She asks, bringing her cup of tea to her lips after I handed it to her.

"It was great. We finished filming but I have to go back soon though, only for a few days this time." She nods, listening to me, but raises an eyebrow when I mention going back to LA.

"Avengers Premiere." I quickly explain but let's not talk about that. "How was New York?"

"Oh you know... Nothing really happened here. The kids are back home, Erin left town but dropped her dog off at my house-"

𝑳𝑨 𝑭𝑰𝑳𝑳𝑬 𝑨𝑼𝑿 𝑭𝑳𝑬𝑼𝑹𝑺Where stories live. Discover now