Chapter 8: A Date with the Drakov Brothers

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"So, where are we going?" Ryder asked her.

"A place that is my most favourite in the whole world apart from my company," she revealed and she caught River's gaze through the rear-view mirror. Curiosity was brimming in that blue gaze, which made her smile.

"Sabrina told us that you travel a lot," Ryder said. "Where have you gone so far?"

Zoya pressed on the gas pushing past a few slow cars. "Where haven't I been," she retorted. "I've gone to every place there is to go on this planet."

"Must be nice," said Ryder. "River and I wanted to go to Barcelona for the longest time."

Zoya caught River's eyes again, but he was playing with the pup on his lap. "I've been to Spain many times, it's a beautiful place," she said.

"Have you been to-" Ryder's voice fell when he saw the large billboard rushing past them and then he saw the colossal stadium on the field. "You've got to be kidding," his eyes widened and he went quiet from shock.

Zoya chuckled. "Don't get too excited right now," she said. "I still have a lot more to show you."

They arrived at Storm-Speed stadium, that was empty this morning since all motor races were held later on in the year. However, Zoya was always welcome to the stadium to enjoy the open track.

She parked the car at the front and got out of the car. "River, hold on a sec," she told him.

Grabbing the leash from the trunk she came around to River's side of the car and opened the door. Both Rivers' looked up at her and she felt a smile tug at her lips. She leaned inside crowding River as she secured the collar on the pup's neck and let him jump out of the car from River's lap.

Zoya held the leash and escorted everyone inside the stadium. The building was pretty empty except for the cleaning staff who were sweeping the floors and wiping the windows. Security was light too and they recognized Zoya right away letting all of them through.

"Is this even allowed?" Ryder asked while walking beside her.

"Of course, and it doesn't hurt that I happen to be a shareholder here," she said. She wasn't showing off, but these perks definitely helped when working her charm on people and showing them a good time.

They climbed into the elevator and went to the top floor, just when the doors opened Zoya spotted Silvia Moss standing across the floor with her phone on her ear. Zoya recognized her friend from her platinum blonde hair that was combed back and tied into a long ponytail, which showcased the sapphires hanging on her ears and around her neck. The woman was tall and even taller in her platform heels that matched her blue suit, which was tailored by Zoya herself. Silvia was beautiful and her age made the lines around her green eyes non-existent.

Silvia spotted Zoya and cut her call immediately. "Zoya!" she exclaimed and ran with open arms, which Zoya gladly accepted. "How've you been, dear?"

"Good, Silvia. What about you?" she beamed happily.

"Even better now that you are here," Silvia said. "I prepared the track for you."

"Thank you so much-" she kissed Silvia's cheek- "come, let me introduce you to my friends."

Silvia's amusement fell and she held her stern expression which was her usual and scared many people from her. She oozed a mature energy and had a dominant gaze which was rare for humans to have, but Silvia was the one woman who established herself as a dangerous businesswoman for a long time.

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