Chapter 33:: Unspoken

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Author's POV: 

"Why do you go to work with periods?" Taehyung asked on the call, hearing you groan. 
"I'm still an intern. One more week to go." You said. He sighed and said, "Then... should I visit?" 
"Are you crazy?!"
Your question made him snort. 
"Gosh... is it bad?" He asked. You hummed and said, "Not really... better than a few days ago." 

Some more time passed by as you both continued chatting until it was time for work again... periods and work? The worst combination ever! 

---Time skip 

"Hey!" You waved at Taehyung who smiled at you, gesturing for you to hop in the car. 5 pm, end of work, time to go home! What could be more exciting? 
"Are you okay now? I got you some heat packs in case... and painkillers. And some chocolates." He spoke as you stared at him for a moment, breaking into a smile. 
"Hey... chill. Why are you always being so hyper every time I'm on my period?" You asked. Right, every time he got to know you were on your periods, he'd be overhyped as if you were diagnosed with some serious disease and needed the most extra care. 

Well, true. You did act like that, almost passing out because of cramps. 

"I wonder if you're even a human, how can someone dedicate all their time to someone else like that?" You asked, wondering why he was always and always about you. 
He smiled and said, "You aren't just anyone, love." He pecked your forehead and started driving as you leaned on the car seat, smiling. 
"By the way... I bought something for you too." Your words made him confused. He looked at you and said, "Huh?" 

"Nothing much really... let's just say my colleague went to a tie shop to buy something for her boyfriend so I saw a tie which would suit my husband so I bought it." You said. He glanced at you before looking back at the road. 
"For real?" His voice came out in a chuckle as you hummed. 
"I'll show you once we get home. But know, it's not free." Your words made him frown a little but he shrugged it off, chuckling. 

---Time skip 

"It's so pretty.." He said, smiling. You shrugged saying, "Good you like it. Or I'd stop thinking about talking to you ever again."
He chuckled and said, "Put it on me tomorrow. I'll wear this."
You asked, a little perplexed. He nodded and said, "Tomorrow... I have a special meeting. You know, important deal." 
You giggled at him. 

You were standing on the bed, towering over Taehyung who seemed to be just 2-3 inches smaller than you, standing in front of you. He was tall, hella tall. 
"Call me Tae."
He said as you smiled saying, "Tae? Isn't that too casual?"
"Aren't we casual?"
He asked. You nodded and said, "Sure then... but, actually... I was wondering about something."

"Our 1st anniversary is in a month, right?" You asked. He nodded and said, "Why?" 
"Can we do something before that?"
You asked. He frowned and said, "What do you want to do?"
"Slow dance.."
You said. 
"Slow dance? But where?" 

"Here... in the house." 
"You mean... a casual slow dance, us? In this attire... at home?"

Exactly. You nodded and he asked, "If you want that, sure! But it's confusing."
"I saw it somewhere... a drama. The couple were slow dancing and it was so cute. I also want to do that." 

He chuckled and said, "You and your dramas... but if you ask, of course! I'd love to slow dance with you, love." 
"Good thing you agreed or I'd never talk to you again."

"What a way of blackmailing!" He clapped his hands as you rolled your eyes playfully. You were about to get down but your eyes widened as you felt yourself being picked up. He just- picked you up in a bridal style.
"Hey!" You called, he just looked at you and chuckled saying, "The drama should surrender to us. Don't you agree?"
"Hey! I'm heavy!"
You complained. He didn't bother and walked towards the living room as you giggled, hitting his chest playfully. 
"Put me down!" 

"Oh, I'm so sure you don't want that!" He said, smiling. He was so right, you didn't want that at all. You loved being in his arms, all protected by him. You loved this, everything about this. 

He put you down on the sofa, as gently and carefully as he could. Taking the remote, he turned on the TV, playing 'Perfect- Ed Sheeran'. 

You got up as he bent down and forwarded his hand, "May I, love?" 
You giggled and said, "You'll really fail all the rom-com dramas..."
"That's my plan."
He said, looking at his hand. You held his hand as he pulled you closer. One of your hands intertwined with his while the other was placed on his broad chest. He held your waist, firmly. You looked at him, with a smile.

Thank god Mr and Mrs Kim were out of the house. You both had the house to yourselves. 

Your legs worked in sync as you almost fell a few times, but he held you.
"How do you know slow dancing so well?" You asked, the song playing in the background. He smiled and said, "I practised dancing in high school."
"Woah, you have hidden talents, yeah?"
He smiled and nodded. He pulled you a little closer and said, "Careful... you'll trip." You chuckled.
"Hold me if I do. What are you here for?"

Your bodies swayed slowly, in sync. You just randomly asked for something you saw in a drama but you had no idea that little request would become such a beautiful memory. He looked right into your eyes, with his twinkling eyes. You could feel the love in his eyes. You had no idea your heart would ache like this, that just the thought of him would make your heart ache. 

You never said those words, and neither did he. But it was so obvious, all the time. Every moment you both shared the truth about how much love you both had for each other. His actions always proved to you that he prioritized you, like nothing else. His family, him, they all made your life better. And right now, dancing like this, you couldn't help but know well what your heart was feeling. Your heart was beating so fast, yet you were so calm. A beautiful yet hurtful and happy feeling in your heart. 

 His beautiful deep orbs were admiring yours, the bubble of love forming around you both again.

The song stopped, but no one realized. You both kept dancing, staring at each other, and talking mentally. All the confessions of love were conveyed through simple eye contact, through the simple swaying of your body, that was enough for all the love and confessions. 
He joined your foreheads as you both were dancing and said, "You are so perfect... my love." 
"The song's over." Your voice was almost inaudible but he heard it and said, "I know..."
"We're going to dance the entire night at this point..." 
"Then let that happen." 

You smiled and rested your head on his chest, hearing his heartbeat and watching your legs move together. 

Oh, what a night it was! An unexpected yet beautiful normal night, braced with lovely moments of you and him...

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