Chapter 13:: Curious about 'you'

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Author's POV: 

You gasped looking at him as he said, "I can't wait for you to choose.. just take them all."
"Are you that impatient?!
" You asked as he looked away. You giggled and said, "Woah... I'm getting all of those?"
"If not you, then who?"
He asked as you smiled widely saying, "Thank you..."
"Let's see... buy quickly! I'm paying anyway, why are you spending so much time choosing if you like everything?"
He asked as you said, "You know... I was supposed to pay for those but okay.. I usually spend money on food, thanks for buying me these!"

"Save your money for food. I can pay for the rest." He said as you smiled looking at him. You both walked here and there and bought some small gifts for others and yourselves.
"It's going to be sunset soon. Should we go to the beach and watch the sunset?" You asked as Taehyung said, "Suit yourself." You nodded and quickly got in the vehicle along with him. 

--Time skip 

It was almost 6:00, time for sunset. You both quickly went and sat down, many others were sitting here and there. The sun was setting down. It looked as if it was drowning in the water. 
You sat beside Taehyung, admiring the sun. Taehyung smiled looking at the sun and glancing at you. 

As the sun was setting, you spoke, "It's so beautiful.."
"I know right."
You heard him speak. Suddenly, you felt lightweight on your hands as you looked down to see his hands slowly making their way to yours. Your eyes widened a little as you gulped looking away. The sun was setting as his hands were on top of yours. He glanced at you, seeing you looking at the Sun. 
He smiled a little knowing that you were aware of what he was doing. You both were enjoying the beautiful sunset but his breath hitched when he felt your hand holding his. 

You looked at him who was shocked and smiled saying, "Woah... I didn't know sunsets were so pretty!" 
"I k-know right.."
He said, looking away, surprised at your courage. You smiled shyly looking down, feeling the warmth of his hands. 

---Time skip || At home 

"Ah.. we're back. It's almost 7 pm. I'm so tired." Taehyung said and sat down as you took a glass of water saying, "We were out for almost 8 hours." 
"It was a good day, I enjoyed it."
You said and sat down as he smiled a little saying, "Me too.." 
You looked at him and said, "2 more days here... then we're going back, right?" 
He nodded and spoke, "I've come to Bali with mom and dad before... they were celebrating their anniversary here and I was so dumb, I joined them." 

"Seriously! So dumb! Why did you join their private time?" You asked as he said, "Well... I didn't know, okay? I was 11. I'd just play with myself and enjoy. It was all good until I had to pee and I forgot where the washroom was so I went to knock on my parents' door. I peed on the spot when I saw them." You gasped and looked at him saying, "Traumatising enough for a kid!" 
He chuckled and said, "It was so funny. I peed and just left there. A few hours later, mom and dad probably understood I was outside and were so embarrassed. They were interviewing me the next morning." 

"I can't!" You said and laughed loudly as he looked at you sighing. 
"It was very embarrassing when I actually got to know what they were doing." He said making you laugh even louder. You were laughing crazily as he frowned saying, "What's so funny?" 
"You! You are so funny!"
You said.

He smiled a little and shook his head, looking at you who was dying out of laughter. 
"Sometimes, I find you so funny." You said and chuckled as he said, "What do you not find funny?" 
"I don't know?!" You asked, laughing again as he sighed. 
"What a crazy woman I've married.." He mumbled as you said, "Not my fault. You're the dumb one!" 
"Says the dumbhead."
He said as you frowned.

Married to the Obnoxious Guy || Taehyung FanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon