Chapter 1:: Hatred, Hatred and Hatred!

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Author's POV: 

"Minaa~~ What are you doing?" You spoke on the phone call while applying your favourite strawberry chapstick staring at the bathroom mirror. A giggle was heard from the other side as your best friend of 10 years, Mina asserted, "Nothing much, just lying on the bed, rethinking life decisions?" 
"Aigo... that's why you should've joined the exhibition with me!" You spoke and kissed the air before putting the chapstick back in your bag and heard her say, 

"Yeah, so fun~ I know it's very boring. I'm not interested in the in-game characters like you!" A sigh escaped your lips as you spoke, "True... but the games that 'K.Swift' company makes are the best, no joke!" 
"Yeah... I would've joined if it was a makeup exhibition but whatever." You heard her and chuckled saying, "Yeah sure! Anyway, I think I'll go home at 8 today. Talk to you later then! Talk to Jungkook for me. Let him handle mom!" She groaned and spoke, "I'm tired of handling your mess!!"
"Be tired." 

With that, you hung up and put your phone inside the bag. As you were walking outside the restroom, you heard a few people say, 

"Ah, the CEO of this company is so cranky today! He's not usually like that."
"Handsome though.."
"Good face with bad manners?" 
"Yeah..! But he's so charismatic! No wonder he is such a successful CEO!" 

You shook your head and sighed knowing how troublesome people were. Always spreading rumours here and there. Walking towards the beautiful statue of your favourite in-game character, Akino Motato. 
"Strong and elegant... beautiful yet fierce!" You spoke and admired the statue of the character. You loved how the game exhibitions held in the company portrayed such realistic statues of the in-game characters. You were admiring the statues when you suddenly bumped into someone. 
"Ah!" You groaned and looked at the hard figure you just bumped with.

"Can't you look?" The man asked as you stared at him noticing his features. His chocolate brown orbs, deep brown hair and his face looking ever so sculpted made you go speechless.
'What? Why is he so good-looking?' You thought and stared at him until he broke the silence with a sigh.
"I know I'm handsome but you should look. You just bumped into me!" He complained as your face turned into a frown. 
'But bad-mouthed!' You thought again and spoke, "Excuse me. I was the one standing here! You bumped into me! You are the one who should apologize, instead of blaming me!"

The man scoffed and spoke, "How obnoxious!"
"Says the actual one!" You retorted making him look at you with squinted eyes as he spoke, "Whatever! You're no use of talking to."
"Says who again? How dare you look down on me you foul-mouthed frog-looking guy!" You spoke as he looked at you, all colours drained from his face. You both gained some attention making him look here and there. Soon, a guy approached you both in disbelief. 
"Oh my gosh.." He spoke as the man looked at him saying, "What are you doing here, Jin Hyung?" 

You just stared at both of them and scoffed saying, "Excuse me! You should apologize first, whatever it is!" 
"Do you even know who I am?" He asked as you replied, "Of course. A sly fox who knows nothing but bad manners." Jin looked at you and the man standing in front of you blankly before sighing.
"Taehyungah... you indeed bumped into her, just apologize and go!" Jin said as the man whose name was supposedly Taehyung said, "Hyung! Am I your brother or her?" 
You just huffed at the scene as the guy spoke, "I'm the CEO of this company! You should know who you're talking to, this woman!" 

As soon as those words left his mouth, you looked at him wide-eyed and a gasp escaped your mouth. He proudly smirked a little but his smirk dropped as he heard you say, "Unlike your games, you suck!" 
"W-What?! How dare you-" He was talking but you walked near him and stood on your toes glaring at him and spoke, "Look here. It doesn't matter at all whoever you are, you're too arrogant and obnoxious. You should fix that character before I yeet you out of the world!" You shouted the last line and rolled your eyes walking away making the guy let out a breathless huff. 

Jin sighed and stared at the statue speaking, "She resembles Akino so much.." 
"How dare sh-" Taehyung blinked and held his chest in disbelief while Jin shook his head saying, "Let's just... leave. You became the CEO only a few months ago, let's not-" 
"I'll make sure she regrets how she humiliated me!" Taehyung spoke and scoffed as Jin smiled saying, "Forget it. Don't be childish!" 
"Whatever!" Taehyung complained and sat on the sofa of his cabin while glaring at the coffee table. 

"I'll make her regret it."

---Time skip || At night

"I'll make him regret it!" You spoke as Mina and Jungkook sighed. Mina looked at you and spoke, "Yah you idiot, you should've stepped on his toe or something!" 
Jungkook shook his head not agreeing with her statement and asserted, "Good thing you left. If you did anything more, we'd be doomed along with you."
"You, shut up!" Mina spoke as Jungkook sighed looking down. 
"Why do I have sisters like you both?" He asked and looked away hopelessly as you rolled your eyes while chewing the apples aggressively. Mina scoffed and scrolled her phone for a while but suddenly flinched pushing Jungkook making him groan in pain.

"Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! LOOK!!" She screamed as you held your ears asking, "What?!" Jungkook stared at you both in disbelief. Mina handed you the phone as you looked at it and said, "OH MY GO-" 
"Ah! STOP SCREAMING!" Jungkook shouted making you both looked at him and spoke in unison, "Shut up." 
"This is his Instagram? This obnoxious man!" You stared at his profile. 

'Kim Taehyung, CEO of K.Swift' 

"What a bio! Hypocritical!" You spoke as Mina and Jungkook looked at each other and then looked at you. Mina spoke, "Y/N, why are you SO mad at him though?" 
"I don't know! He's pissing me off! I really like K.Swift games... you know, ever since I was a teen, I've loved their game, KoKo adventures... but this new CEO is so mean! He's ruining the image of this well-made company!" You groaned as Jungkook sighed.
"Are you sure he's always mean? He doesn't have a bad reputation..." Mina asked in a low voice, more like asking herself.

"Why do you even like their games so much?" Jungkook asked as you rolled your eyes saying, "You all will never understand.. just go! I'm annoyed." You said and went into your room leaving the dumbfounded duo of Jungkook and Mina.

---A week later || In Taehyung's house

"Mom, I swear! I am not going on any blind date!" Taehyung spoke as his dad replied, "You have to! Just this once! It's a good friend's daughter, he's very sick... but he asked me to take care of his family in need."
"Ugh, father! I hate these!!" He said as his dad replied, "Your mom was about to fix your marriage but I stopped her. Just go meet her this once!" 
"Ugh... fine?! But what am I getting in return?" Taehyung asked as his dad replied, "A wife~" A sigh escaped his lips as he said, "I'm so done with you both." 

--On the other hand

"Mom, no!!" You groaned as she replied, "It's your dad's good friend's son. Just go this once!" A sigh escaped your lips as you looked at her and said, "Dad's not even in a good condition these days... why would he-" 
"This is his wish! He wants to marry you off to a reliable guy. That's why... he trusts Mr Kim." She spoke as you looked down and said, "Who is the guy anyway?"
"I think his name was Tae..? something like that. I heard a lot of praises about him. You should see for yourself." You nodded and sighed.

--Next day

Sitting at the table, you waited for the guy. A sigh escaped your lips as you mumbled, "If not for dad, I wouldn't have come here.." You waited for a few minutes, irritated by your blind date already. Suddenly, you heard a voice speaking, 

"Are you Jeon Y/N?" 

The same deep voice you heard that day. A frown appeared on your face as you turned around to look at the owner of the voice. As soon as your eyes met, both of you gasped together.

"You?"  "You..."

The anger in you rose to the highest level as you stared at the figure in disbelief mumbling, "You darn Kim Taehyung!" The only thing you were feeling right now was... Hatred, Hatred and Hatred!

Married to the Obnoxious Guy || Taehyung FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora