Chapter 21:: I really think.. I..

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Author's POV: 

You coughed a little and swallowed the medicines as Taehyung sighed seeing your faces. 
"I'm finally better now. I also cough a lot less!" You said as he nodded saying, "Right.. how hard I had to work to get all the cold snacks away."
"Well, that was torment for me."
You said and sighed.
"Once you're okay, I'll buy you an entire fridge of ice creams. So just focus on healing." He said as you smiled saying, "Really? Why should I believe you?"
"Tch, you'll see once I do."
He said as you giggled. 

"Okay. I'll focus on healing! Well, you should focus on healing too! Let's heal together!!" You said and giggled as he nodded. 
"You didn't video chat your father these days." He said as you smiled saying, "Well, I didn't want to worry him. So I just text him." 
"Tch, Jin Hyung is just the same. I remember once he was so sick! He didn't even call me, just texted and left. I thought he was ignorant, turns out he was sick. You shouldn't let your father misunderstand."
He said as you chuckled saying, "Sure, I won't! I have such an intelligent husband, Woah!" 

He smirked and said, "Well, your gain!" You giggled and nodded, showing him a thumbs up. You both chatted for some more time and laughed as he said, "Goodnight, now." 
"Let's sleep together."
You said as he choked on his saliva hearing you. You thinned your lips and stared at him who looked at you in pure confusion.
"I mean... who knows when it might storm again? And again, what if I get sick? Two miserable people, stay together." You said as he chuckled saying, "Woah... you really know how to convince people." 

"Well, you weren't convinced last night though." You said. He just sighed and looked away.
"But, why are you agreeing right now when you were so adamant last night?" You asked as he smiled a little and said, "Well... I was just trying to control something." 
"Control what?"
You asked as he said, "You don't have to know." 

He walked out of the room and after a while, came back with his pillows and placed them beside yours as you said, "Control what? Tell me!!" 
"I told you, you don't have to know."
He said as you frowned asking, "I should know!!"
"Why are you even so curious?"
He asked as you sighed saying, "Tch, you won't tell me? Fine.. don't. I wasn't curious."
He chuckled and sat beside you saying, "My feelings."
"Huh? What feelings?"
You asked as he said, "My feelings for you." 

You gulped hearing him and looked away saying, "Oh.. my ear's hurting. I'll come back! I think I need to apply some medicine." You said and quickly rushed out of the room leaving a dumbfounded Taehyung. 
"I told her she didn't have to know." He said to himself, looking down with a smile. He knew well about his feelings. He always knew, even before he married you. 

--At night

Taehyung stared at your sleeping face with a smile. Pretending to sleep with his back turned to the other side, he waited till you slept. He wasn't sleepy at all but just wanted to stare at you. He checked the weather forecast and thankfully, it wasn't supposed to rain tonight. 
"Even if it storms... at least, you're here, dumb head." He whispered under his breath, admiring you. He tucked the falling hair strands behind your ears and mumbled, "I wonder how strong my feelings for you are. I really do." 

When he married you at first, he knew he was positive about you. Whatever the start was, he definitely felt that the journey wouldn't be that sour and he was so right about that. With every passing day of your marriage, he started to get to know you more and more. He realized how right your father was about you. You were selfless in a way, he could feel it. Maybe you didn't open your heart to that extent, but he could feel the depth and sincerity which resided in you. No matter how dumb and cranky you were, you were real unlike so many people in the world. 

Married to the Obnoxious Guy || Taehyung FanficHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin