Chapter 19:: Always here

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Author's POV: 

"What are you.. s-saying?" You asked, flustered as he smiled saying, "I'm just saying I care for you. Why? Don't you care for me back?" 
"I... I don't know. We'll see that later."
You said and pushed him slightly, walking away as he sighed. 
"She knows how to draw a wall so well, doesn't she?" He asked himself, eyeing the closed door.

--At night 

"Here, have this," Taehyung spoke and handed you the medicines as you nodded. You swallowed the medicine and made a disgusted face, coughing as he sighed. He handed you the chocolates as you giggled saying, "Thanks~~" 

You quickly took your phone and said, "I should make a video call to dad. I don't know if he had his medicine." 
"You should."
He said and kept the medicines back as you smiled, dialling his number. 
"I'll leave then." He said, about to go away, but you said, "Are you busy right now?"
"Not really, why? Do you need something?"
He asked. You nodded and spoke, "Sit here. I won't talk with him for long anyway, he shouldn't be on screen for so long. I'll just check upon him, so sit here. *cough* I don't want to be alone." 

He let out a chuckle hearing your requests. Sitting beside you, he greeted your father as soon as the call connected. After 15 minutes, the call ended as you kept the phone away saying, "I want to make an edit." 
"Edit? What edit?"
He asked as you coughed and said, "Edits of... us? You know we went on some trips and stuff, and we also have many selfies we randomly clicked at home. I mean, it's been 2 months that we've been married so. I want to make an edit!! It's cute!" 
"Why is that necessary?"
He asked, not understanding as you sighed saying, "Ay, look, we're couples, right? So, isn't it cute if we have an edit of our memories? Like- it's only been 2 months, I know. But we can make another edit after 2 years. It'd be fun!" 

"You and your weird imaginations.." He said as you replied, "I'm being realistic! We're married anyway. We should act like couples. Don't you want to date at all?"  
"What are you trying to say?"
He asked. You stared at his clueless face for a minute before sighing. 
"I'm trying to say that, we should make an edit. Just as simple as that... since you can't understand my point at all!" You said as he sighed saying, "Alright. What do we do then?" 

"I like this song... we should make an edit of.. all the pictures and memories? So let's shoot one little video here as well! To commemorate this event of you taking care of my sick a*s." You said, coughing a little. He sighed and nodded making you smile. 

"I think this clip looks better."
"What about this one then?"
"You look like a horse."
"How can you say that to your wife?!" 
"Then what should I say?" 

"I.. *cough* can't *cough* Ugh!" 
"Eat some more ice cream!" 
"Shut up, you're so mean."
"Then what should I do?"
"Be nice."
"Whatever. Focus on the edit. These clips should be shorter."

"It's just a tiny phone screen! Why are we two battling here?!"
"This phone was expensive, it won't break, whatever." 

"Does this look good?" 
"Yeah... it looks very nostalgic?"
"Look, this part.. you brought me all the bracelets. I've been wearing them every day, literally!" 
"You ate my ice cream at that part. Gosh, what a food stealer!"
"Be nice to your wife, please." 

--Time skip 

"It's done! Should I post it?" You asked as he said, "Your wish."
"I won't... let's keep this between us."
You said as he looked at you confused, asking, "Why did you make this if you'd keep this with you?"
"Because... it's better that way. We don't need to show everyone."
You said as he smiled saying, "You're too different from what I expected. It's really weird." 

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