Chapter 32:: All for you

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Author's POV: 

Zoned out, you kept typing on the laptop, sitting on the bed with the bouquet of roses kept on the nightstand beside your bed. 8:30 pm. Taehyung was running late today, he did text you saying he had an urgent meeting and he would have dinner outside. It would probably take him nearly 10 pm to come back. 

You sighed and continued typing when you saw the word, 'dad'. Your eyes brimmed with tears but you blinked them away, smiling softly. 
"I hope you're taking care of yourself..." You mumbled, smiling softly. You looked outside the window while sitting on the bed. It looked so calm and quiet, just like your room. 
"Wear warm clothes there..." You said and sighed, before closing the laptop. You were tired, you had started working when you came back which was 5 pm. 

Mr and Mrs Kim fed you and ensured you relaxed at home. Right now, they were probably in the living room, watching TV. You could hear their giggles as a soft smile appeared on your face. How nice and lovely they were! 
You caressed the bouquet of roses on the smell, the little note gone. It was in your cupboard now, you didn't want to lose it so you kept it, carefully. 

You took the phone and texted Jungkook quickly. Nothing left to do. You finished all the work from the assigned office, contacted your best friend and family, and took care of yourself. Now the only thing left to do was wait for him, but you but almost 2 hours were left till he came. Not knowing what to do, you drifted off to sleep. 

---Time skip 

You moaned softly, feeling yourself covered with something warm. You snuggled closer to the warm surface without much thought, it felt so warm and nice. You heard a soft giggle, it sounded familiar. But your body wasn't working, you could hear some noises and felt something on your hair, moving. A hand? 

You had no idea where you were if you were alive or dead. But not much later, after trying to gain strength, you slowly opened your lips to see a cloth. A t-shirt. You raised your head to see a familiar face, smiling at you. Oh, it was him. 

That warm nice surface you were snuggling in, it was his- chest. You blinked quietly as he giggled again, that giggle. Right, it made sense. He was there, hugging you and caressing your hair as you were sleeping. 
"Are you okay? You seem... blank." He said, smiling. He knew you were processing your life. 
You looked at the time, 11:30 pm. Your eyes widened as you sat up immediately asking, "Hey!" 

"When did you come?!" You asked as he said, "Hmm... probably an hour ago? I ran a little late but saw you sleeping." 
"Oh.. did you eat?"
You asked as he said, "Nope. I was waiting for you." You couldn't help but smile, yawning. He patted your head and said, "You look so angelic while sleeping." 
"Yeah... that's why you hugged me without my knowledge?" 
"And you kept snuggling closer without your knowledge." 

His reply made you let out a snort. You burst into giggles as he smiled, admiring you. 
"Let's go get some dinner." He said as you nodded. 

---After dinner

"I'm full.." You said, standing near the bed and sighing as Taehyung stood beside you, "Of course, you'd be! I brought the best pizza." 
"More like you forced me to eat the cold pizza but okay, thanks."
You said. He smiled blankly and said, "You love retorting, don't you?" 
You nodded, agreeing completely as he sighed. 
"I was kidding." You smiled and put your arms around him who smiled and held you by your waist, firmly. 
"Were you sad today?" He asked, seeing you smile tightly. Your smile faded a little as you stared at him saying, "You know too much." 

"Was it hard?" He asked, his one hand making its way to tuck a few strands of your hair falling on your face. 
"Hmm... not really. I mean, I did miss dad a lot. I had so much work to do, it was exhausting. But... someone said that flowers can make all your tiredness go away, I think that was kinda true." You said with your lips pressed. He smiled and said, "You're so strong, ah..." 
"I know right."
You giggled and said, "What about you? How was your day?"

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