Hold Me Tight

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Your blood ran ice cold, and you felt like you were going to faint. You couldn't seem to process Jungkook's words. The whole world was starting to close in on you, and your chest grew taught, making it impossible to breathe.

"What did you just say?" Yoongi asked, his face turning a sickly color.

"I saw Jiho sprinkle white powder into Y/N's drink when she went to the bathroom," Jungkook admitted.

"And you're sure it was a Roofie?" questioned Hoseok.

"I'm positive," he replied. "He's done this shit before."

"How'd you find out about the other time?" Namjoon wondered.

"The girls he did it to were friends of mine."


Jungkook nodded. "He's done it more than once."

"And you just stood there and let it happen?" Yoongi accused.

"Of course not!" he shouted, taking offense. "I helped my friends report it and I even hired them the best lawyers money could buy, but the police didn't do anything because Jiho's father paid them off."

After a minute of silence, it was your turn to speak. "So he's going to keep getting away with it."

Jungkook gazed at you apologetically.

Bile started to bubble up your esophagus and you feared you may vomit. You excused yourself, walking around to the side of the building where you emptied your stomach onto the pavement. Jungkook suddenly appeared next to you, and he held your hair back until there was nothing left inside of you.

"I'm sorry," you said once you had finished.

"For what?"

"For getting sick," you stated. "You shouldn't see me like this."

"That's not something you need to be worrying about," Jungkook asserted. "Right now, I only care if you're okay."

"How can I be okay knowing I was almost fucking drugged, Kook?" you lamented.

As the tears welled in your eyes, Jungkook pulled you into a hug, wrapping his arms tightly around your frame. With your face pressed against his body, you sobbed, wetting his shirt the more you cried. In the past, you hadn't allowed yourself to cry in front of him; you'd hate for Jungkook to catch you at your weakest. It would just provide the fuel for him to tease you.

Oddly, however, all you longed for in that moment was for him to hold you and never let go.

"I want you to stay at my place tonight," Jungkook whispered when your sobs had become soft sniffles.

"What about your rule?"

"That only applies to lessons," he answered. "And there wasn't one."

With his arm circling your waist, Jungkook led you back to the group of friends. Their expressions were plastered with concern—your brother especially didn't look well. They bombarded you with questions, but Jungkook put his hand up, signaling to them that they needed to stop.

"Hyung," he began, looking at Yoongi, "is it alright with you if Y/N stays at my place?"

Yoongi focused his attention on you. "Is that what you wanna do?"

You nodded. "I want to be with Jungkook tonight."

"Okay," he agreed. "But if you need anything, call me. I don't care what time it is."

You flashed your brother a small smile.

"You guys should probably get home," Taehyung advised. "Just so you don't run into Jiho when he leaves."

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