Chapter 31 - Where are you?

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A/N - Very sorry for not posting for so long! Life gets in the way.... TwT

But woah! It's been like two months and I have 1.1K reads? Thank you so much! Anyway, onto the next chapter!

Sayori POV

I'm back. And I'm not alone. Tubbo sits outside my cell. I'm now a prisoner, my living quarters reduced to nothing but a bed, a private bathroom, and a chair. And the bars. With the lock.

"Sayori, I'm so so so sorry! I-Schlatt, he-he forced me to tell him that you weren't on holiday! I'm so sorry, I didn't tell him where you were, but he would've hurt me, really badly!" For the first time, I notice how tired and bruised Tubbo looks. Obviously, he resisted telling Schlatt.

"I thought you said he was scared of women...? I ask, almost laughing at what Tubbo had told me a week ago.Tubbo's expression darkens.

"Yeah, that's what he said. At first. Apparently he was drunk or something, because the next day he demanded to know where you were."Tubbo's eyes fill with tears."Sayori.. he-he beat me." He cries. I would like nothing more than to beat the shit out of the bastard, and to console him, but I'm helpless. (wtf am i writing angst now or what). I can see the terror in his eyes as he gets dragged away.


~Tommy POV~

It's been a day. Sayori still hasn't come back. I'm feeling worry and dread. What's happening to her? Hopefully nothing bad. Maybe Jack managed to convince her to stay at his place for a while. I pray that that's the case, but I feel a pit of horror in my stomach, like something horrible has happened. I could try to contact Tubbo, but he told me that Schlatt was keeping a close eye on him, so he can't contact me today. Or for the rest of the week. Techno approaches me looking in the distance.

"She still hasn't come back yet?" He asks me. I detect a bit of... concern In his voice? Concern? In Techno's voice? I wonder how Sayori managed to charm him into caring for her. Probably the same way she's charmed me. Her concern for others, the way she smiles, the way her eyes hold some deep secret, the way she makes me just want to confess all my secrets and insecurities. The way she just.. is. I hold back a smile as I reminisce her. Just the sight of her makes me smile. It's an interesting feeling. Like the way Tubbo makes me feel every time I see him. But less annoying. Suddenly, I see a figure running towards the base. My heart leaps, and I run over to Sayori.Until... I realise it's not Sayori. But...

"Jack?" I mutter, in disbelief. Wait, where's Sayori? I look behind him, excepting Sayori to come out. Nothing. I muster up a response, in spite of my original shock,"What are you doing here?"Jack pants, until he finally catches his breath. He looks pretty weird and puffed, running all the way from his house, but I don't tease him like I usually do. The atmosphere is too weird. Next to me, Techno tightens, as if fearing the worst.

"It's Sayori. Your friend. Tommy." His next words send an icy chill down my spine.

"I think she's in danger."A/N - Short chapter but leading up to something big! Comment on story ideas. Thank you!Have a great day and remember to drink plenty of water.Author-chan out!-Peace!

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