Chapter 24 - Results

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A/N - I really hope not to carry out an entire day over 10 chapters again! It's been a ride. Enjoy!

After five chaotic minutes of assembling, we managed to get everyone back on the stage in preparation to read out the election results. But, as the moment draws nearer and nearer, all I can feel is pure dread. I'm trembling so hard I can barely think. I have zero clue what Schlatt wants to do to L'manburg. Whatever it is, it won't be good. Finally, Wilbur gets up from his seat, shooting me a worried glance. Whatever happens next would be completely out of his control. The thought itself is terrifying. "All right everyone!" Oh no. "Thank you for voting at the L'manburg election!" A resounding cheer rings across the land. For a brief second, I feel pride. It doesn't last. "All right, so, without further interruption, I will now read the votes. In last place, with 9% of the total votes is.... Coconut2020!" A few half-hearted claps. Fundy acknowledges it with a simple nod of his head. "In second-last place, with 16% of the votes is.... Schlatt2020!" Schlatt looks amused, as if he knows something we don't. "In second place everyone is....................... with 30% of the votes.... Swag2020!" Quackity laughs and punches George in the arm. "Which leaves, in first place... POG2020!" The cheers are so loud I have to block my ears. "All right, all right. Everyone, there were some interesting things... that have happened. First, I have received information that Swag2020 and Schlatt2020 have made a proposition to combine votes, as a coalition government. So, as the new votes are read, the coalition government, has 46% of all total votes, making Schlatt the new PRESIDENT OF l'MANBURG." I sink into my seat. I wish that I could just die in a hole. I knew this was coming, but I never excepted it to... happen. Schlatt takes the stage. He laughs as if he knew that was going to happen. Bastard! How dare he! Schlatt clears his throat and starts talking;

 "Well, that was pretty easy. And you know what I said the day that I got unbanned from the Dream SMP and the day I said I was running? An election that I won, by the way. I said, 'Things are going to change.' I looked every citizen of L'Manburg in the eyes and I said, 'You listen to me: This place will be a lot different tomorrow.' Let's start making it happen." Oh no. This isn't real! NO NONO.

"My first decree as the president of L'Manberg - the EMPEROR of this great country - is to REVOKE the citizenship of Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit! Get them out of here! Get them out of here! You're no longer welcome!" "NOOOOOOOO!" Niki screams in protest. But it's too late, arrows fly toward Tommy and Wilbur. The sewers, I mouth to Wilbur. He locks eyes with me and whispers something to Tommy. They run to the closest house, which is mine, and escape. I turn around to see Niki and Fundy horrified. But Schlatt isn't done yet. He continues speaking, "Oh, that was so easy! Until further notice, Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit are merely a memory of L'Manberg. A relic of the past. A reminder of the darkest era this country has ever seen. And I guarantee you all, dear citizens... Tonight, that changes. We are entering into a new period of L'Manberg, a period of prosperity! Of strength! Of unity!" I gasp. I wonder whether staying was the right choice or not. "Tubbo! Sayori! Come here!" Schlatt gestures to us. I stop breathing. What does he want? Schlatt turns to me, "You know, I asked Sayori weather she was going to help us or help Pog2020. And you know what? She chose the wrong choice before. She betrayed me. But now, here she is. She chose US! So, Sayori, I'm making you my left hand person. You will be in charge of enforcing my rules, no my laws!" My vision is blurry. I start to sway on my feet, feeling dizzy. "Sayori? Sayori? SAYORI?!" The last thing I see before I black out is Tubbo's frantic face.

What have I done?

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