Chapter 9 - The fate of L'manburg

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Well boys, we did it! The Sayori POV is no more! (comment if you know where that comes from) In the first half of this chapter, anyway. I won't be posting chapters that regularly this year anymore cuz i am busyyyy. Have a merry Christmas and happy new year! and enjoy. 

Tommy POV

"Dream, can I talk to you?" I have a proposal for him, but, if Wilbur found out what I was doing, he would kill me. "Sure." Dream smirks at me. He thinks he's won the war, but just he wait! Anger bubbles up in me, and I try to squash it down. No point in getting angry, it'll just make Dream say no to my proposal, out of pure spite. We start walking. "So, what did you want to talk about. If it's to change my mind in having L'manburg, the answer is no." Damn. "I - I have a proposal for you, Dream." I try to stop my voice from shaking. Never have I ever done something so disasterous. "Well, what is it?" "Right, so, Dream, when I gave you the disk, I never gave you the original mellohi. "WHAT? BUT THAT WAS PART OF OUR DEAL?" "No Dream, you said, 'give me mellohi, if I recall correctly, which I do." Dream looks flabbergasted. Stunned. Angry. I've got a few seconds before he does something really bad. "But! But! I am willing to give you the disk, for a chance of independence." "No. Tommy. You always think your better than everyone. But don't forget that I can just kill someone. Wilbur? Tubbo? Sayori?" Woah. Big man Dream blackmailing 101. 

Dream starts walking away. "YOU JUST NEVER HAVE ENOUGH POWER, DO YOU? WELL DREAM I CHALLENGE YOU TO A BOW FIGHT 1V1 DUELL YOU BASTARD." "If I win, I get the disk, and no independence. But, if you win, independence and you need to give me your netherite chestplate." I say nothing. Should I take the deal? I take too long in my decision pondering. "Or, I could just kill every person in L'manchildburg. Oh you bastard! "Dream. There will always be a difference between me and you. I have comradery, friendship, and most importantly, I have WOMEN. Got it? Cuz we will never be the same. Your just a selfish green bastard. Game on Dream!" Dream turns and faces me. "Ready to lose?" At the same time, I see Wilbur running towards me. "Tommy!"

Wilbur POV

What?! Tommy is so so selflessly stupid sometimes! His life isn't worth that much! I need to convince him to stop. But how? Once his mind is made up, there's no going back. I run up to Tommy. "Tommy!" There's a lot that I want to say to you. But, but! That will come later. Because, all I need to do is. All I need to say. "Your life is worth more than L'manburg. Your rash decisions will be the downfall of you!" "No. Wilbur, I appreciate what your trying to do. But, this has to be done." Is he stupid? Doesn't he see how this will end? "Tommy, I know I can't change your mind, but, just remember, at the end of the day, we are L'manburg. Even if Dream converts every grass block to sand or something, we still will have each other. So please, please, don't think even if the ground of L'manburg is taken away, our partnership will never waver." By now, everyone has come up to see what is going on. Sayori comes up to me. "Wilbur? What's going on? Has-has Tommy done something he shouldn't have?" "I'm sorry. I tried to change his mind." 

Sayori POV

What? I'm sorry? Oh no. Tommy did something! Crap! I see Tommy and Dream take of their armor and get a bow and arrow. They move to the prime path, and each take a side. Realisation bolts into me. Of course! Tommy's going to fight for our freedom! But, why? Does L'manburg really matter that much to him? I want to stop this fight from breaking out, but I'm powerless. Wilbur goes to the middle. "Ready? I want you to move 10 paces on my count. When I get to 10, you can release fire. Ready? 

"1" Tommy and Dream move one pace forward. Tommy's face is flushed, and he looks scared. Like he didn't think of any consequences before he did the deal. Typical Tommy.








9 This is it!

10 Fire!"

Tommy and Dream both turn around and fire their arrows at each other. Both arrows are unsuccessful. Tommy tries to fire again, and ends up in the water. Looks like he's using the water as cover. Dream, on the other hand, is on the platform, he aims carefully, and, just as Tommy comes up to the surface to attack, Dream releases the arrow. Slow motion blazes all around me, Dream's hand slowly releasing the arrow, Tommy's face of shock as it hits his chest, and Wilbur's look of absolute horror. No. No! NO! Tommy falls limp to the ground. I immediately rush over to help him. The arrow wound is deep into his chest. "Tommy! OMG! Your gonna be alright!" "Here," says Tommy weakly. I feel him press something into my palms. "Give this to Dream." It's mellohi. My face is utter shock. No way is this happening. Wilbur, Tubbo and Fundy all run over. "Tommy, I told you your life wasn't worth it." Tears streak down Tubbo's cheeks. "Tommy, please be alright. I can't lose you!" "Wait, guys, I think we can save him." I whip around to see Fundy holding a few potions. "Let him through!" I say, shoving Wilbur out so Fundy could go to see Tommy. "Alright, so lets see..."

Fundy POV

Tommy's wound is deep, but not fatal. It will take months before it properly heals. I gather up a potion of healing which I had snatched from my ender chest. "Alright, this is gonna hurt..." I pour the potion on the wound. Tommy winces in pain. It works. The wound is slowly closing in. Now comes the hard part. Taking the arrow out. I grip the shaft of the arrow and pull hard. With a pop the arrow comes clean out. The blood coming out of it is immense. I take the bandages and put them over the blood. The bandages get soaked immediately and I fumble around looking for new ones. After a while of dressing the wound, I'm finished. Of into the distance, I see Eret with Dream, George and Sapnap. The absolute bastard. His betrayal is the reason why Tommy is so badly injured! "Fundy?" Tommy tries to sit up, with a bit of help from my hand the ground. "Yeah?" "I'm going to go talk to Dream." The look of alarm must be serious as Tommy laughs weakly. "No Fundy, relax, I'm not going to start a war with him again, I just want to talk to him." "Ok, but as soon as you feel more pain than you are experiencing right now, you come right back. "Jeez, all right."

Tommy trudges into the moonlight after the Dream team. I look around. L'manburg is barely visible from here, but the destruction is visible, even from a distance. I sigh. This ended in the worst way imaginable. I just hope nothing too bad will happen in the aftermath of the battle.


Anyway, the lore is a bit changed, but I'm working hard to include the more important aspects. As mentioned earlier, I won't be posting as often this year due to business and holidays and stuff. Have a great day, thank you so so much for reading and be sure to drink plenty of water. 

We're working hard!

Author-chan out!


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