Chapter 19 - The Deal

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"Schlatt?..." I echo. He smirks and shakes my hand. His hand is firm but his handshake is a bit sloppy. I turn to face him, "What do you want from me? I'm confused as to why he's here, talking to me of all people! "Why did you tell Wilbur I'm in the election?" I'm desperately praying that Schlatt is a good person, but I don't think he really is. "You can leave now." Schlatt lazily gestures to Niki. Her eyes are filled with anger. She turns to me, completely ignoring Schlatt, "Sayori! What do you say about this?" "Me and Sayori have some... unfinished business left to do." Schlatt once again gestures towards Niki. Niki gives Schlatt a look of absolute hatred, "FINE! I'LL LEAVE." He watches her storm out with an amused expression on his face. "Now," Schlatt turns to me, "We can talk." "What do you want?" I growl. I did not like the way Schlatt talked to Niki at all. "Well, I have a proposition, some would say." I watch him carefully. "Now, I know your a busy person, girl, or whatever, so I won't take too much of your time." He takes a sheet of paper and hands it to me. "Read this." I turn the paper over and begin reading.Contract of agreement.This user signs to agree to the following terms:They will support Schlatt2020 at the L'manburg election.They will prepare a speech in preparation.They will be Jschlatt's running mateYou are not allowed to say any means about this contract, or any deals or negotiations made with Jschlatt otherwise. Doing so will result in a breach of contract.Any breach of this contract will result in the deaths of Tommyinnit, Wilbur Soot and Tubbo_This contract is not negotiable. Failure to sign this contract within half an hour of presentation will result in a breach of contract, which is stated as otherwise, above.Signatures:_____________________________JschlattI fight back tears. Do I really have a choice in this? I can't believe anyone can be so cruel. Not even Dream was. I don't have a choice. And between my friends lives and my own, I would always choose my friends. And besides, no way would Schlatt win the election. He can't. "Fine!" I choke, "I'll do it!" Schlatt looks genuinely surprised, "I didn't think you would agree to it at all!" He then smirks, "I already had planted tnt underneath your house had you not agreed the first time. What a pity." I give him a look of pure anger and hatred, pick up my pen (yes I carry a pen with me), and start signing my name.Sayori.God.... Wilbur will hate me.

Author's note - The digression.

Sayori always carries a pen with her because, if it was the only thing Monika taught her, it's to always be prepared. Now, Sayori never really listened, but, she soon learned that Monika was right 99.99999% of the time, so, in time, Sayori learned to pay attention whenever Monika was speaking, which led to their close bond. Out of habit, Sayori now keeps pens in the weirdest places, in her socks, underneath her sleeves, behind her ear. You never know when you might need a pen! In summary, there's more to your girl than you think.

Have a good day!

Author-chan out!


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