Chapter 8 - The war

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Author's note - YOOOOOO look at how cuteeee sayori isssss! As promised, this is a bigger chapter! Enjoy!

Sayori POV - sorry didn't do POVS but it was all Sayori, I may change it up! We'll see

Today was the big day. The day that would change the course of history forever. The final battle of L'manburg. I'm up and ready by dawn. I pace around my country, double checking chests, and stocking supplies. At my sides are Tommy, Tubbo, Fundy and Eret. The mood is tense, and our expressions are grim. All that's left is for Wilbur to arrive. We hurry and start preparing for the battle.

Wilbur arrives. Smiles pass over our faces as we look at our leader. Eyes shining with determination and adrenaline pumping through our bones. "Guys. This is it. The moment we have been waiting for. It's time." I'm trembling as I stand, but, I know that today is going to be intense. The sun breaks through the tree lines, and we know. It's time.

The battle commences. Arrows fly through the air, and Tommy and Tubbo prepare a tnt trap, far away, in Tommy's embassy. We wait a while, ever watchful, waiting for the walls to break. Tommy comes running through, "GUYS RUN IT'S A TRAP" Dream and his army chase after him. Sapnap, George, Punz. We fight bravely, but, we eventually have to retreat to the hot dog van. "Guys, I know a secret way out of here." Tommy says. "Right, here's the plan, we go through the secret tunnel to my embassy, and we hold fire there." We set of, and Wilbur creates a diversion. We arrive at tommy's base, and arrows fly through the air. We block of the entrance, and bravely shoot arrows. The Dream team is on Tommy's tower, so we need to get higher ground.

All of a sudden, we climb up the tower. Dream signals to his men. They retreat. Puzzled, we look and see where their going. Their going to Ponk's tower! We need higher ground. We run to Punz's tower. It has higher ground. Dream and his team run up to the tower, but it's too late. We butcher them with arrows, and Dream signals a retreat. We're all surprised. Have we won?

We sprint back to L'manburg. All of a sudden, Eret comes up to us. "Guys, I have something that will help us win the war." "What is it, Eret?" Tubbo asks. "It's a secret control room. I have been looking for resources for ages. Now, we will win the war!" I don't know if it's just me, but something feels slightly off. "I'll stay behind. I need to protect L'manburg!" I say. "Ok, Sayori, you stay behind. Alert us if you spot anything." "I'm sure Dream has retreated." Eret says smoothly. I once again feel a pang of nervousness. 

Eret leads L'manburg to the secret control room. "What's this button?" I hear Tommy ask. A click of a button, then, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" "RUN GENTLEMEN!" "ERET YOU BETRAYED US!" "HOW COULD YOU?!" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH" I hear the clashing of swords, then nothing. I feel sick. Eret?!? He.... betrayed.... us. Why? Everything we have, is all lost. In enemy hands. I run, to the hot dog van. Dream emerges from the secret control panel. "It's your turn now. Unless.... you surrender defeat." "NEVER!" I spit, feeling anger beyond my control. "Your choice." Dream says smoothly, and Sapnap and George and Punz come behind him. I feel a wave of panic.

"Wait!" Wilbur runs up to us. "Dream, we are ready to negotiate surrender, not that I like it." Dream smirks. "Get on with it. Tommy, I believe I need mellohi now." Tommy grinds his teeth, but gives his disk to Dream. He turns to Eret. "Eret, and I do really mean this in the nicest way possible but... YOU. FUCKED. UP." Eret laughs. "I just picked the better side." Wilbur went and talked to Dream.

After a while, Tommy came up to them. "Dream.... there's something I want to negotiate with you....





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