Chapter 15 - Trial against time

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Sayori POV

Huff, puff, wheeze. My heart is beating hard against my chest. I'm currently running across the sewers, with Tommy, Tubbo and a crazy homicidal maniac in pursuit. My feet are getting soaked from the sewer water, but I keep running. Slow down, and the water won't only get on my feet. It's currently midnight, on the day of the elections, and me and my friends are running for our lives. Why? It's a long story...

~Flashback 1 hour earlier~

"Sayoriiiii" Tommy runs up to me, holding a weird poster of some sort. The paper is fluttering through the wind, making it hard to read. I squint, trying to read the blurry words. Tubbo runs up behind me, "BOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I scream, "TUBBO YOU ABSOLUTE-" Tommy bursts the intense moment by wheezing very loudly, "BAHAHAHAH SAYORI HAHAHAHA-" I cut Tommy off, "You shouldn't laugh at someone's else's expense! What if that happened to you? I wouldn't laugh, I'd help you up! You should be ashamed." Tubbo comes up behind Tommy and gently hits his shoulder - "Yeaaahh Tommy, be ashamed." After a few minutes of teasing, Tommy gets up and thrusts out an axe, a netherite axe, shining brightly and filled with magical enchantments. Tubbo's eyes widen. "No. WAY! Tommy, how did you manage to get Dream's axe - nightmare?"

"TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" My God that is one loud person. Wait.... Oh crap. It's him. Shit. Gotta go, gotta run. "Sayori! Here!" Tommy throws the axe towards me, almost cutting me in half. "WHAT THE HELL TOMMY! DO YOU WANT ME TO DIE?!" Tubbo pulls me on my feet, dragging my hand, "Come on! We've got to run!" I dash after Tommy, and he lets me go first. I jump into the sewers, feeling my feet getting soaked with water, but I keep on running.

~Present time~

I dash up the sewer stairs, three at a time, my chest heaving and my breaths quickening with every stride. How long can I keep this up? My sides are already aching, and pain is filling up my body. I suddenly have an idea in my head. I make a sharp right turn, to the confusement of Tommy, who almost bashes his head against the wall. I try to run faster, feeling my lungs overworking with pressure. I suddenly stop right in front of a wall of water, and quickly take a deep mouthful of air. Meanwhile, Dream smashes into Tubbo, which smashes into Tommy, and I jump just before Tommy can smash into me. The water takes me up, up, higher, higher, until I reach my bathroom. Well... the toilet, to be exact. Let me explain. The "toilet" is a trapdoor with water running down to the sewer, built my me and Tommy, in order to escape out of difficult situations. Which we are in now.

I leap out of the water, dripping wet, and smash my head on the sink. Pain explodes all around me, and I momentarily lose contact with the rest of the world. "Ah... I'm so gonna regret that tomorrow," I wince in pain. I have to keep running. A few seconds later, Tommy emerges, with a huge bruise on his arm. "To the warehouse," I say, "Tell Tubbo." "Wha-?" Tommy stutters, but is cut of with Tubbo rushing out of the toilet covered in.... "Tubbo? What is that on your arm?" I ask. "DREAM PLANTED A BOMB ON ME. HELP!" "Oh god...." No time to lose, I grab Tubbo and yeet him over to the warehouse (Well, I actually just dragged him along with me). We dash to the warehouse I built, with Tommy in the lead. Suddenly, he stops dead in his tracks, almost causing Tubbo to cut himself in half against the axe I'm holding in my other hand. "What?" I say, exasperate, to Tommy, "We need to go in!" Then I see he's trembling. "Sayori... there-s there-s a- a...-" "YOU WILL ALL PAY FOR THIS!!!!!!!!!" Oh no. Tommy pulls me and Tubbo sharply to a side, causing Dream to fall into the warehouse. I try to run, but Dream holds on to my foot. I shudder. He slowly stands up. "You think you can get away with this?" The tone is menacing, but that's not why I'm so scared.

There's a massive spider on Dream's mask, covering almost his entire face. I recoil, trying to get as far away as possible from the spider. Dream looks momentarily confused, then realisation slowly dawns on him. Slowly, but surely. "Uh..." Tommy shoves me back into reality. "Sayori! Run!" We take off. Well, me and Tommy take off, and I drag Tubbo, while he's hysterically trying to defuse the bomb. Once we reach a substantial distance, I kneel down and hold the bomb. "Anyone got a knife?" Tubbo hands me a knife and I get to work. Ok, now is it the blue cable or the red cable? ... red. Definitely. Or blue? Red. I take a deep breath, and cut the red wire. 

Beep. Beep. Beep. The bomb slows down and shuts of. I breath a sigh of relief. I quickly remember I had to tell Tommy something. 

"Hey Tommy..."


"So, I no longer want to be a part of any political party. I hate the politics. Besides, you guys need votes. I'll be rooting for you, and helping you, but I don't want to be a part of it anymore."


"Alright. I'll tell Wilbur"

I hope I've made the right choice.

Author's note - THANK YOU FOR 270 READS. HOLY SHI-


Also, why are people not commenting? Is it a good thing or bad....?


I guess we'll never know...

Have a great day! Or night! 

Just please don't read this at 3am. You need sleep more than you think.

Author-chan out!


Hanging in there - A DDLC X DSMP CROSSOVEROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora