Chapter 20 - A talk

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A/N (author's note) - Wattpad wasn't working so we don't have an image today ):

I'll try and make it work next time!

I walk up the steps of the podium, feeling dread build up in me. I had 30 minutes to prepare a speech, and honestly, it wasn't very good. I had never been that good at preparing anything, really. I pass by Fundy as I walk to the Schlatt2020 podium, "Fundy! What are you doing here?" He gives me a look of anger and sadness, "What does it look like? Wilbur did a crap job of looking after this country, so I'm going to do it better." He looks tired, and really lonely. I feel immediately bad that I believe my life is the only one that's bad when Fundy had been suffering so badly. I'm so selfish! I feel really guilty. "Fundy! You know, Wilbur really does love you! He's just always so busy, being the president and all..." My voice trails of as I realise Fundy was right. Wilbur was being neglecting him. "Sayori, you don't have to lie to me. I know how Wilbur has been treating you," He pauses, seeing my shocked expression, "Yeah! I heard everything that happened. It just so happened I was no my way to see you, and I heard him talking to you. He said something about how you're a traitor just because you're getting stressed? Absolute bullshit. Then I saw you running out, crying." I'm shocked at how much Fundy knows. He was there the whole time and I never noticed him? Fundy clears his throat, "Then I went inside, and I told Wilbur that I wasn't happy the way he treated you, and that all he cares about is his fucking stupid power, and how he's being a fucking bitch right now and-and..." "Oh my god, Fundy!" I wrap by arms around him, as he starts sobbing. I feel so fucking stupid for not realising how he felt. And I passed him so many times, asked him how he was doing, and never noticed a single thing! "Your mother would be so proud of you right now, Fundy. Listen to your heart and instincts." Fundy sniffles, "You haven't even met my mom though. How would you know?" I smile knowingly, "I don't need to meet your mom to know how she would react. If she met you, she'd be very proud." "Tha-thanks Sayori," Fundy wipes his eyes on my clothes, "You're a really good friend." Now it's my turn to start sniffling. 

But if only he really knew what mess I had got myself in. For a split second, I think about telling him about everything. Schlatt. The contract. Wilbur. But I can't. Not just because of the threat, but because I didn't want to burden Fundy any more. I would just have to keep this a secret. But I figured Fundy should know this much. Even if he hates me. Because. He should. "Fundy... I-I'm actually taking part in the election." Fundy's jaw drops, "Wha-What?! I heard you say you wanted to drop out!" This is breaking my heart, but what can I do? I have to do this. Steeling myself, I turn to Fundy, "I know that's what I said, but I just found a better opportunity with Schlatt2020. All I have to do is just say a speech. It's not like I'm betraying L'manburg or you or Wilbur or Tubbo or anything, it just feels.... better." "Better?! Sayori! Maybe Wilbur was right. Maybe you ARE a traitor. Or something. See you at the elections then. SAYORI." He spits out my name in disgust. I sigh. I guess that's what I get for being so stupid. But enough of my thoughts. 

A horn plays the first few lines of the L'manburg anthem, and I know it's time. Trembling, I find my place on the podium, trying to ignore the looks of shock, betrayal and disgust coming from everywhere around me. I lower my head. Yep. That's right. Schlatt takes a seat next to me, next to the Schlatt2020 campaign. "Ready to read your speech?" His tone is low and menacing. I nod quickly, trying not to look at him. Wilbur steps up on the podium as the election manager. "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN." His voice comes out very loud and people cover their ears. "SORRY." Booms Wilbur. He quickly turns to Tommy, "Can you fix this?" Tommy nods and quickly fixes the problem. Wilbur taps the microphone resulting in several high pitched squeaks. "Sorry. Testing one, testing two. All right. Welcome, ladies, gentlemen, and anyone in between. Today is the day of the L'manburg election!" He is greeted by a fanfare of applause, hoots, and whistles from the crowd. "All right. We'll start with each party saying an opening speech, then each parties endorsements. Then, we'll let you guys vote. Remember," he says, looking directly at me as he turns to face the parties, "Any slandering, rude comments, or offensive language will not be tolerated. I frown. Wilbur's trying to communicate with me! Back at L'manburg, we all learned a few basic sign language from Eret, and that's how we communicated for a while until Tommy got bored of it and started making very inappropriate signs. Which is what Wilbur's doing now.

Why are you with him? He signsClever. Wilbur makes it look as if he's gesturing with his hands. No-one will suspect a thing. So, with shaking fingers, I tell him everything that happened, as quickly as possible in 20 seconds, minus Fundy. At the end, I sign,Don't. Tell. Anyone. He'll kill you.

Wilbur nods at me, understanding

"And now." Wilbur returns back to the stage with anger and relief in his eyes, "It's time for the elections! Will the speaker for Schlatt2020 kindly make their way over to the stage.?"

Hanging in there - A DDLC X DSMP CROSSOVERTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang