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People start showing up around 7 and a lot of the guys are already getting on the beers. We'd had a good trip. We'd won all of our games and are the was to a championship.

"What time are the girls coming?" Linc asks from beside me. The only reason he cares is because he wants to hookup with Flo again.

I look at my phone and see I have a text from Nessa telling me they just left their place.

"In about 5 minutes." I tell him taking a sip of my own beer.

He rubs his palms together, "reckon Flo will kiss me at midnight."

Colt and I exchange a look before Colt tells him, "Um yeah definitely." I smother a laugh while Linc flips him off.

Not too long after I see my girl walking through the door with Flo.

A big grin takes over my face and I go to greet her. She looks up and sees me a smile splits her face. She runs to me and pick her up wrapping my arms around her.

"I missed you so much, Pretty girl." I say then pull back and kiss her. She returns it.

"I missed you too. But I'm so proud of you guys for winning all of your games." Nessa says holding on to my arm.

"Okay well I'm going to the kitchen to grab us some drinks." Flo's says walking towards the kitchen.

I turn my attention back onto Vanessa. She has on a tight black mini dress, her converse, and her hair is down in soft waves.

" you look hot at fuck, baby." I say grabbing her hand and twirling her sound. She laughs and playfully swats at me.

"We could always ditch this party and head upstairs." I tease wiggling my brows at her.

She stands on her top toes and kisses me deeply before pulling back and whispering, "later."

Fuck why was that so hot?

I'm now rocking a semi as we go to join Flo and some of the guys in the kitchen.

Out the corner of my eye I see Reagan staring. She better not start anything tonight.

"Oh and just so you know, your kissing me at midnight." Nessa says this so matter of fact and I laugh.

"Well obviously." I pull her in for one last kiss before we join our friends.


It was 11:30 and the place was packed. The whole main floor was full of drunk sweaty college kids and the backyard was also.

We had a rule that no one but the people living here could go upstairs and most of the time people abided by it. But, sometimes we had those kids who thought they could get away with anything.

Lucky for us we were constantly watching and they were called out straight away.

"It's only thirty minute to midnight!" Flo calls and Ness laughs at her friend from where she's sitting in my lap.

Her head was laying on my chest and both of my arms were wrapped around her. She was tired but didn't want to go to bed until after midnight.

I tilt my head down and kiss the top of her head. She lets out a sigh and says, "you're so comfy."

"You sure you don't want to head to bed? No one will mind." I tell her stroking her hair. She melts into the touch.

"No, I'm fine. Unless you want me to get off you." She starts to rise and I pull her back down.

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