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"I did see the guy. His face was covered in bruises. Bruises YOU CAUSED! You're lucky you only have a black eye." Coach stood with his arms crossed as he chewed me out about the fight I'd gotten into last night.

Some of the guys and I had gone to a party and this Fucker, Jamie Whitaker, was starting shit with my guys. He didn't play any sports that I was aware of and neither me nor my guys had ever said a word to him.

Had we heard of him? Sure. I'm sure most people on campus had. He was from old money and thought he could do whatever the fuck he wanted because daddy was on the school board.

Anyways he started saying shit about how he could play ball better than us and how'd we like his sloppy seconds. I told him to get fucked, he'd told me my mother already had. I lost it.

Now I'm the first to admit I'm a mommy's boy, so if anyone disrespects her.. they better look the fuck out.

"I get it coach. Won't happen again." I reply and start to walk out. Grappling the door handle I yank it open and am met with two chicks.

They both have a look of shock on their faces and seem like they were just about to leave. Before I can say anything coach comes up behind me, "Who are you and what do the two of you want?" His question seems to get their attention and the taller one of the two begins to talk. She has brown hair with blonde ends. I think one of the players used to hook up with her.

While she's rambling I look to the girl next to her. She seems to be watching and listening to what her friend is saying so I take the opportunity to give her a once over. She was average height I guess and from what I could tell she had a great rack. Long brown wave hung down around face and freckles over her nose and cheeks. She was hot, but not my type.

She looked familiar though but I don't think I'd ever spoken to her before. Wouldn't have a fucking clue what her name was.

Once her friend finishes asking coach about her journalism shit, coaches attention turns to me "you can go. But no more fights! If I hear about you getting into shit one more time, your benched. Do you hear me?"

I heard him loud and clear. No fucking way was I getting benched.

"Yes, sir." I answer him. Just as I'm about to leave I look to the brunette and ask "are you going to be following us around too?" I tease looking her up and down a smirk pulling at my lips.

"I have better things to." She sends a glare my way. Looks like we have feisty one. They're always better in bed.

"Mhm, I'm sure you do." I say to her before leaving. On a serious note it's going to be annoying as fuck to have some random chicks following us around for a semester. No doubt they'll write some stupid shit each fortnight.

But coach is already pissed at me, and me complaining about this isn't going to help my cause. Instead I go looking for Colton Jones.

Colton has been my best friend since we both started college here together freshman year. It has been three years and we were as thick as thieves. He was about the only person I could stand being around.

He comes from the coast so he's got that whole beach thing going for him. Bright blonde hair and tan as fuck.

" Yo! Levi!" I look right and see Colt calling me over to the table he's sitting at with a few other players on the team. I make my over there and take the empty sheet across from him.

"I was just looking for you" I say pulling my water bottle from my bag and squirting it into my mouth.

"Yeah what's up?" He questions picking at the food on his tray.

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