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I can hear the three girls before I even get out of bed. The three girls being Flo, Elle and Piper. They're trying to be quiet but their squeals and laughter don't help their cause.

I reach over and grab my phone. Checking the time I see it's almost 9. Being a Friday I don't have class until 12. Neither does Elle but I'm assuming Flo skipped because last time I checked she did indeed have a class from 9-10:30 on a Friday. Im not sure about Piper.

Rolling out of bed I quickly dress in jeans and a grey knitted sweater. I throw my hair into a messy bun and quickly pee and brush my teeth.

Walking into the living area I see the three of them sitting huddled at the table. Or more specifically staring at a box and it's contents.

"What's going on?" I make my way over to them and they all jump.

With a hand on her chest Piper says, "oh my goodness. You scared us!"

"Sorry." I chuckle, "so what's in the box." The three of them give each other guilty looks. Elle is the first one to look back at me.

"Well... don't be mad okay." She stands while Flo and piper close the box.

"Why would I be mad. What did you guys do." I accuse.

"We didn't do anything! We promise. Well besides open it." Piper says with her hands up in surrender. I take a second to appreciate how the vibrant colour of her nails compliments her dark skin tone.

I smile at them, "okay so it's obviously for me. What it is?" Flo moves it to the edge of the table and I open it.

My heart lurches. Not in a bad way but an excited way. I pull out the jersey and read the number on the back. 11. That was a Levi's number.

"Here's the card." Elle hands it to me and I read it out loud.

I didn't know what size you were so I got a medium. If it doesn't fit I'll get you a new one.

- Levi
P.S. this is me asking you to come to the game on Friday.

I'm smiling when I look up. In sinc the four of us start squealing.

"He's defiantly into you girl!!" Piper jumps up and down as she speaks.

We stop our girl fest and I say, "should I text him? I should text him."

"Well obviously."

"Okay well while you do that, Ellie Bellie and I are going to make a late breakfast for us all." Flo claps her hands together and takes the few steps to the kitchen

"What about me?" Piper asks

"Your the guest babe, you just have to sit and watch." Elle tells her girlfriend.

While they do that I go and sit on my bed.

Me: thanks for the jersey :)

I don't know if he has class or not so I'm not expecting a reply but a minute later he replies with,

Levi: Does that mean I'll be seeing you at the game?

Me: I'll be there.

Levi: good. Meet me after near the change rooms?
Levi: oh and I forgot to mention you and the girls are invited to the after party.

Me: okay and okay

Levi: One last thing. After the game meet me near the change rooms?"

Me: if you insist

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