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Fuck that lights bright. I groan and bring my blankets up over my head. I pause.. something smells different.

If I didn't know any better I'd say it's smelt like sandalwood. It's then that everything comes back to me.

No, no, no, no..

I asked Levi if I could sleep in his room! I showed him my underwear! I'm not even going to start on what I said before I fell asleep.

Normally I love the fact that I remember everything the next day after drinking. Not today though. Not fucking today.

I slowly lift my head and see that I'm in bed alone. Only then to I relax back into the covers. His bed was really comfy. And it smelt like him so that's a bonus.

I wanted scream. So I rolled over, face in his pillow and screamed. This was going to be mortifying. How am I ever going to face him again?

I roll back over and a price of paper catches my eye. It's sitting on the side he slept on last night. I pick it up,

There's water and pain killers on the nightstand. Coach called us into an early morning Saturday practice, but we'll be back by 8. Help yourself to whatever if your up before we get back.

- Levi

I look over and sure enough painkillers and water. I take the tablets and get out of bed. Finding my phone I see it's a little after 8. I then listen and sure enough I can hear voices downstairs.

Walking into the bathroom I freeze. Shit. SHIT
I have my period still. I've had the same tampon in for like 16 hours! I'm going to die.

I quickly pee and take out my tampon. Where do I put it!? I wrap it in toilet paper and sit it on the floor while I roll up a wad of toilet paper to make a makeshift pad. That'll have to do.

I put on my jeans from last night, put my bra on and throw back on Levi's t-shirt. I wash my face and take some deep breaths. My gaze lands on my wrapped up used tampon.

I internally scream. I'll just sneakingly put it in the bin downstairs? I could put it in this one in the bathroom but it's empty so it's so obvious.

I pick it up and put it in the front pocket of my jeans. Good thing his shirt falls mid thigh so no one will see the buldge.

I open the bedroom door and quietly make my way downstairs. Maybe I should just sneak out? Surely they won't see me if I quickly sneak out the front door.

My plan is thrown out the window because when I get to the bottom of the stairs I hear, "Finally! Nessa come have some breakfast." I turn my head and Flo is sitting at the island in the kitchen.

Colt, Linc, Tank and Levi are all standing around in there as well. All eyes are on me and I feel my face flush. I avoid Levi's gaze as I walk through the living room into the kitchen.

Fuck my life.

The guys all greet me and I say good morning back, "you guys are cooking?" I ask as I get closer. I take a seat next to Flo at the island.

Linc and Colt are cooking bacon and eggs. My stomach grumbles.

"Sure are." Linc answers with a bright smile that I return.

"Nothing hotter than a man who cooks." Flo winks at him and he chuckles.

"True that." I say as Colt hands me a cup of orange juice. I raise a brow as I glance into the cup, "how'd you know I would want orange juice and not coffee or something?"

Colt taps his temple, "I just know everything." I shoot him a thankful smile and take a sip into my cup.

Flo and I talk with the guys while they cook. I notice that Levi has been unusually quiet. I look over at him and he's staring out the window with a glare on his face.

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