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"My bad" Colton says after Vanessa is out of sight. Honestly it was probably for the best that he interrupted whatever was going to happened.
But I'm still a guy who has needs.

"Your an asshole." I say before following him to the kitchen to grab us some beers. Colt and I grab a beer each and head out onto the deck to catch up with some of the guys.

As they're talking I think about Vanessa and our almost kiss. We were both gearing up for it no doubt. But I still feel like it's best that Colt interrupted. Normally I wouldn't care if I barely knew the girl but there something about Vanessa that makes me feel... I don't know weird. Like kissing her now would be too soon. Soon for what? I don't know.

I drink the last of my drink and head inside to find someone to let of some steam with. That all it is.

By passing the living room where I can see that the girls still are I head for the landing where a bunch of people are hanging out. Just as I step into the area I can hear Reagan calling my name. I nod towards the hall where the upstairs bathroom is and she follows.

"You sure you aren't going to flake out this time" she tease all while pulling my face to hers. We start making out and at first it feels great. My dick hard and everything seems fine. Once she starts taking of her clothes things go downhill.

I start thinking about what Vanessa looks like naked. What she's say if it were her undressing in front of me. Before I can't think to much into it I open the door and storm towards the deck were I know Colt will still be. I hear Reagan hot on my heals asking me what the fuck is going on.

Walking back through the living room I don't bother to see if the Vanessa is still there or not. I don't care. She's in my head and it's fucking with me. I don't like it.

Opening up the back sliding door I walk out and staunch over to tell Colt I'm heading home. But just as I make it to him I see Vanessa is standing to his right with her two friends. You've got to be ducking kidding me. This chick is everywhere.

Before I can turn and just leave they all spot me well not me they can hear Reagan yelling for my attention as she follows me out.

I watch as Vanessa looks between her and me. I don't bother to see what her reaction is as I speak to Colt, "I'm out of here man."

He's looking at me and I already know what he's thinking. I was seconds away from kissing Vanessa and now I'm talking a different chick home. I know that's what it looks like and I don't bother correcting him.

"I don't think we've met before," I hear Reagan coke up behind me and see she's speaking to the three girls. Her voice is clearly bitchy and none of the three bother to introduce themselves.

Vanessa just looks off into the distance with Elle glaring at me and Flo glaring at Reagan. Part of me feels bad because I know that they are all thinking the same thing as Colt.

No doubt they can see Reagan's lipstick is smudged and I'm sure there some on me from our make out session. Fuck maybe I am an asshole. My mother would kill me if she knew.

"What, you think your better then the rest of us?" Reagan starts crossing her arms and making her tits nearly pop out from her dress.

"Oh I know we're better than you barbie." Flo sneers. Reagan goes to get up in her face when I pull her back.

"Okay that enough." I tell her. "Ill walk it's only a block back to home" I'm speaking to Colt now. He just nods.

"Good doggy." Flo says to Reagan and Elle snickers. Vanessa still hasn't bothered to look my way. I take a breath I don't care what she's thinking I tell myself. It's not like we're dating. We can't even get along for five minutes to have a proper conversation.

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