His words fall like a warm blanket over me offering me comfort as his arms continue their path up and down as he places kisses on my head while I nod slowly, fighting back tears, "Yeah okay, but pinky promise?" he pulls back and links his pinky with mine, smiling, "Pinky promise." 

Logan walks in smiling, "Babe!" 

He's the most golden retriever person you'll ever meet, from his blonde hair to his green eyes, and how easily excited he gets, he turns even the worst days into a ball of sunshine, he's my personal ball of sunshine. 

"Joe!" he groans but hugs me anyway, before attaching himself to Damon, an arm swung over his shoulder, "How was your date dude?" his eyes light up as his face glows, "Amazing, she's so cool, really, and she likes twilight which is always a bonus." I fold my hands smiling, he looks so happy, but he's always happy, "That sounds like a second date voice if I've ever heard one." he winks at me, pulling me to him, "You got it, babe, we have a second date scheduled for next Friday." 

Damon frowns, rolling his eyes, "We're heading down next Friday." 

"Huh? Oh fuck, I forgot." I look between the two confused, Damon shoves Logan's arm off him addressing the confusion on my face, "We're going to finalize the documents for the house we got." 

"Uh shit, fuck, Jackie-"


"But you didn't-"


"Mama you should-"

"No, n-o, absolutely not, I can't spell it out anymore for you, Matthew flies in from New Orleans I have plans to get my brains fucked out and spend the day reminding my boyfriend how much I'll miss him." 

"Jesus mama." 

"Babe, that's disgusting, I didn't need to know that." 

I roll my eyes, "Oh shut it like y'all haven't fucked a girl before." I flip them off as they laugh, I detach myself from Logan because his arm was starting to hurt my shoulder, "I just don't need to know about your sexual habits, especially with Matthew." 

I point at Logan, changing the topic, "You should go call mystery girl and change your plans." he groans running a hand through his hair, "She'll think I'm a flake." I shrug, keeping my face neutral, "You know you're not, you just double-booked yourself, and one is more important than the other, now shoo." he grins placing a kiss on my forehead, giving my hip a little squeeze before drifting upstairs, turning to Damon I point at the few dishes in the sink, "I'll be back for that, let me change quickly, I don't want this top any dirtier than it already is." 

He nods as I walk up the stairs to Matthew's room, Damon had been more understanding of my feelings than my boyfriend, which isn't uncommon, Matthew pays very little attention to me when something else is on his schedule, anyway Damon's been assuring me that I would be just fine time and time again with promises of visits, calls, and gifts, but Matthew? He wasn't worried about me at all, it was like he was sure we'd be fine but with the hour time difference, everything seemed a little hopeless, I mean we were already struggling to keep up with each other while in the same timezone, only god knows what happens when we're in different timezones. 

I shrug on one of Matthew's tops not bothering with shorts because it falls right above my knees, taking the steps two at a time I reach the kitchen shortly, "Yeah babe, I'm spending the night with Jackie." I stop at the sound of my name, choosing to eavesdrop on this conversation, "I know, and I miss you too but she's being clingy and Matthew isn't here, I need to be here for her." Clingy? I was being clingy?

"Babe, okay, fine, I'll ditch her, I'll be there soon." pause, "Yeah, I love you too, see you soon." I was being clingy, he thinks I'm being too clingy, he's ditching me, the information reels in my head, a constant reminder of just how bothersome he finds me as I walk into the kitchen, I mean maybe he's right, it's not like they're dying, "Hey mama, how're you feeling?" I nod forcing a smile on my face, "Fine, uhm, you can leave now, I can handle the rest of the dishes on my own." 

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