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Hey everyone, I'm really sad to say this, but I've decided to discontinue this story.

Ever since I started posting, I've felt very pressured to keep up with the story. I've tried to write every night since I started, and it's taken a toll on my life. I've written so fast, everything has turned into filler chapters instead of real plot-driven things. 

I hate that it's come to that, because I really thought this was going to do good. From the beginning, I had no plan except that I wanted a main character with wings. I do not recommend that plan to anyone working on a novel, at least get an idea of how it's going to end. I ended up bringing in the new characters to try and give myself something to work with, but now I've put myself in a corner, and I can't escape.

I highly doubt I will ever update this story again. I'm quite burnt out, so I'm sorry for the abrupt stop. I truly have no clue where this story is going, and I wish I did, so I could at least tell everyone what I planned on writing. 

I am extremely annoyed with myself for doing this, but I believe it is for the best. This would've been much better at the end of part one, or I should've just wrapped it up soon after that. But then again, that would be much less fun, and during the time I was writing those pieces, I did enjoy writing it, and I did think I would complete it.

That was a long rant, and I'm sorry, but I would like to apologize for leaving y'all on a cliffhanger. I know how annoying it is, and I would continue it if I knew what I was doing.

I'm very sorry for the discontinuation of this story, but it's for the best.

And thank you all, for leaving votes and comments. Every time I see one it brightens my day, and thank god I'm doing this at night, so I'll forget about my sleep-deprived actions and continue writing things with fully fleshed-out plans.

Wings || Peter Parkerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن