10: Timelapse

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The elevator doors opened moments later, and a short brunette woman walked in.

"Peter?" She asked, looking around. We were on one side of the room, and the elevator was at least one hundred feet away, maybe more. 

"Over here!" He shouted, waving. 

"Oh hello!" She exclaimed, running across the room to hug him. "Are you okay? How's your wound healing?"

"Wound?" Harley asked.

He got stabbed two days ago. I explained.

"You got stabbed?!" Harley shouted. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Hello, Harley." The woman looked up from her hug, noticing me at the same time.

I smiled.

"Woah!" The woman said. "You must be Max."

I nodded.

"I've heard a lot about you." She held out her hand, which I shook lightly. "From what I can see, your wings are beautiful."

I grinned, my wings lifting slightly as I did.

Thank you.

"Oh!" She jumped back. "Wow. That's very interesting!"

Thank you. I repeated.

"I'm Peter's aunt May." She introduced. "It's very nice to meet you."

It's nice to meet you too.

"Thank you." She replied. "I would love to stay and chat a bit more, but Peter is going to be late if I do." She grabbed his hand. "Do you have everything?"

"Yeah." He turned around, bagel in one hand, facing Harley and me. "Harley, go to sleep, and Max, I left my computer on my bed if you want to watch movies or something. Bye guys!"

"Bye Peter." 

I waved.

As soon as the elevator doors closed, Harley took a spot on one of the many couches and turned on the TV.

"Wanna watch something with me?" He asked.

Peter said you should sleep.

"Sleep is for losers."

Sleep is necessary for a human.

"I'm gonna be honest with you, I don't care." He smirked. "I don't like to sleep."

I shrugged and left, spending most of my day laying on my bed, watching Disney movies on Peter's computer.

He didn't come back until late that night, swinging in from a window in his spider suit. I could hear him stumbling around trying to change from my room, and then his footsteps as he came to my door. 

I had retired from movies and was re-organizing the little number of things I'd had on my desk yet again.

Peter knocked a few moments later, coming to check on me and say goodnight. I smiled in reply and gave him his computer back while he promised he'd get Mr. Stark to give me my own. He left quickly after that, and I heard him enter the elevator.

He arrived back to our floor in a few minutes, this time with what sounded like Harley. They both went into his room, then one began snoring a couple of minutes later. I assumed it was Harley, as I hadn't heard Peter ever snore.

The next morning was a Thursday. F.R.I.D.A.Y. woke me, telling me it was exactly 9:29 AM. I didn't hear anything from Peter's room.

Where is Peter? I asked, typing it on my keyboard after getting up.

"Peter is at school," F.R.I.D.A.Y. replied. "He says he informed Boss to see about getting you your own computer, and in the meantime, his is on his desk for you to use."

Thank you.

"You're welcome, Max."

I snuck down the hall, not hearing a single person in their rooms. I did hear a snore from somewhere, but I thought I was hearing things. 

Opening Peter's door, I was met with a snoring Harley sleeping in Peter's bed. I quietly stepped back, then grabbed his computer and left. Harley did look tired when I met him, so I didn't want to wake him up, though I was confused as to why he slept in Peter's room. I'd have to ask them about it later.

When I got back to my room, I opened the computer to find a note from Peter, saying:

Sorry we didn't get to train last night, Aunt May wanted to keep me at home. I came back to sleep tonight, but I won't be back to the tower for a couple of days. You know my password, feel free to do anything you want. 

I spent the few days he was gone just wandering around the tower, exploring all the floors. At one point I spoke to Wanda, and by spoke, I meant to type for a very long time to have a conversation. I didn't hear Harley wake up until early the next morning, which meant he really needed the sleep. I still didn't know why he was sleeping in Peter's room, but I'd have to worry about that later. Mr. Stark also personally delivered me a computer and helped me set it up. he showed me a sign language learning program I could try out if I wanted to learn. A few avengers knew it, so it would be easier than typing. I then resorted to a new hobby, reading. I downloaded a few books and read them in the span of two hours each. I also discovered a few songs I liked, which I figured out how to play on repeat for the entirety of my days. On the fourth day, a Monday, Peter showed up at the towing in the afternoon. We had texted a bit, but nowhere near as much when he was around.

He met me on the helipad, informing me previously about his arrival so I could be prepared and meet him there.

"Max!" He exclaimed, pulling off his mask and running towards me. "Hi!" He was smiling.

I smiled back.

"It feels like it's been forever." He explained. "I'm sorry I've been gone for so long. I was really swamped with homework and Aunt May wanted me to stay in our apartment for a little bit."

I nodded.

"Are you ready?" He asked. Today was also the day we were to begin training. I was looking forwards to it all week.

I nodded. 

"Great. Do you want to go right down?"


"Alright. Do you know how to get there?" 

I shook my head.

"Okay, for future reference, it's the floor labeled training rooms."

That makes sense.


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