4: The Roof

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Mr. Stark gave me a tour that night, only on the avenger's levels. I couldn't risk being seen by workers and interns downstairs, according to him. 

Peter left to go on patrol when Mr. Stark collected me, so I didn't talk much after that. I ate dinner alone in my room and then Mr. Stark gave me a new stark-tech phone so I could contact Peter.

I did get a bigger bed, which was much more comfortable. It felt nice to just lay down and relax after the long day, allowing my wings to rest and stretch out from holding them up all day. They took up the entire bed and covered me completely. The feathers were also nice and warm, even though it was only the middle of summer.

I slept well, excluding the dream I'd had about the facility. It wasn't a nightmare, but it was nearing one. I was following a worker around the halls, but it was just a never-ending loop. We kept turning corner and corner, walking deep into a maze. Eventually, the halls became thin enough I couldn't fit my wings, but the man made me continue on. Every step I was crushed more and more. I finally woke up when it all went black.

I rolled over quickly, returning back to the same position almost immediately. My right-wing had been crushed completely, and I bit my tongue hard to keep from shouting out. It didn't break or anything concerning, I just hadn't used the muscles in so long it felt as if someone was ripping them off my back.

I looked around the room once I managed to sit up and lean against a wall, stretching out the wings so they rested on the edge of the mattress. 

Glancing at the digital clock on my nightstand, I found it was four forty-seven in the morning. I usually woke at five in the facility, so I was not surprised to find it out.

Instead of going back to sleep, I decided to explore the tower alone. I crept out of my room, cringing hard when my wing slapped the doorframe. I paused, but nobody had stirred. 

Sighing silently, I walked down the hall and entered the elevator. The ding was silent, thankfully. I stepped in and picked a random button. I glanced at it as the door closed. 

The helipad. Fun.

There was, of course, no one on the helipad at four fifty-four in the morning, and there weren't many lights in the buildings below.

I stepped past the glass doors, onto the actual helipad part of the floor. It was nice to be outside. It was rare, that I went outside. It'd only happened a couple of times, and none were at night. 

There was a warm glow on the horizon, marking the rising sun. When I turned around I could see the moon, low by the buildings and setting off a hazy white glow.

I decided to sit on the concert ground. Well, as much a ground is when you're 80 stories above Manhattan. 

I sat there for a good hour, just pondering how my life had changed in the past few days. I'd spoken more words yesterday than I had my entire life. I was given my own freedom, and I had a friend. 

At six-thirty, a figure stepped out of the double doors.

"Max?" Mr. Stark asked. "What are you doing out here?"

I whipped my head around, locating the sound. I shrugged once I met his eyes. 

"Did you sleep okay?"

I nodded.

He nodded in reply. "The kid might be stopping by this morning." He added. "Parker, I mean. If you see him, don't freak out."

I nodded again.

"Well I'm off for a quick fly around the city, don't fall off the edge."

I gave a quick thumbs up, and he tabbed the blue glowing thing on his chest and an iron man suit materialized before my eyes.

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