27: Mjolnir

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Peter and I didn't talk about the morning the rest of the day. We watched movies, and Peter took the day off of school, again.

Harley joined us at one point, and Shuri came to say goodbye before she left.

Thor came to hang out with all the adults around six, which everyone joined.

Vision was working behind the bar, getting everyone drinks insanely fast. Peter got a lemonade. 

Mr. Stark had told us to stay down for a bit, enjoy everyone's company. 

"Come on, it'll be fun." He glanced at me and Peter. "Even Harley's coming soon."

"When?" Peter asked.

"Whenever he gets here, he's probably just sprinting up the stairs, because someone broke our only elevator." All the avengers glared at Peter. 

"I'm sorry!" He exclaimed. "Does anyone else just forget they have super strength?"

"No," Bucky replied.

"What-" He grumbled, sitting next to me on the couch.

"Alright!" Thor shouted. "I have prepared a fun party game for us all to try!"

"Whatcha got Thor?" Clint asked, fiddling with a drumstick.

"I was doing some research on Midgardian party games!" He continued. "I believe the game is called fuck, marry, kill. Who would like to go first?"

Everyone spit out their drinks. Peter coughed lemonade on his shirt.

"Thor, I don't you know what that means," Natasha smirked. "Wait till the kids are gone, at least."


"We'll explain later." Clint interrupted. "Anyways, let's talk about something else."

"I have an idea." Mr. Stark said. "Thor, why would you put your goddamn hammer on top of my pop tarts?"

"I would like to enjoy pop tarts without the worry of having any of you take them." He smiled.

"They're my poptarts!"

"They're gone." Thor grinned. "I ate them."


"You are welcome-"

"Peter!" Harley threw open the stairwell door from across the room. "Oh, good, you're here."


"I need to talk to you about something in our lab."

"Okay, give us one minute." He set down his lemonade. "Come on over!"

"It's important."

"Is something going to explode?"


"Okay. One minute."

"Geez." Harley leaned against the doorway.

"Hey, Harley, since you're here, I gotta question for you." Mr. Stark shouted.

"Yeah, what?"

"You know how Parker and Max broke the elevator."

"Yeah, I just ran up seven flights of stairs. I would've taken the elevator if it was available."

"I overheard Parker's dating someone. You know who it is?"

Harley immediately turned red. "I-no, no I don't."

"Some chick named Marley, I think."

"Hey, that sounds much like your name, Harley!" Thor exclaimed.

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