5: Blood

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**DISCLAIMER: I do not own Disney Plus, Mulan, or Finding Nemo as mentioned in this chapter. I did not create the movies or channels, and I have no rights to claim them as mine**

Trigger Warning: stab wound, blood

I decided to hang out in the commons area, as there was nothing to do in my room. I'd have to talk to Peter about that.

There was no one in the elevator and no one in the commons area. I took my chances and sat in the middle of the couch in front of the television. My wings sat awkwardly, taking up the rest of the space.

I found the remote and a blanket, resting my wings for once while I tried to figure out the television. 

I pressed the on button on the remote, and the TV lit up. There was a section labeled 'live television' and a section labeled 'channels.' I opened the channels and found the one that looked like the one Peter and I had watched Mulan on. Disney Plus.

There were a ton of colors on the opening page. It was overwhelming. I first tried to locate Mulan again, by just messing around looking through all the sections. I gave up and selected the next movie that looked interesting. Finding Nemo. 

I figured out how to watch the movie, and I completed it just before nine-fifteen. One of the men I'd seen at the conference walked in around nine-thirty. He was wearing a large gray t-shirt and sweatpants. He groggily grabbed a mug from a shelf in the kitchen and began brewing himself a cup of coffee.

"Oh!" He exclaimed, noticing me on the couch. "Hey!" He walked over next to me, standing in front of the couch so I could see him without shuffling my wings around. I still did, drawing them close and crossing my arms.

I smiled.

"You're Max, correct?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Wonderful. I'm Doctor Banner, also known as The Hulk, but you can call me Bruce." He held out a hand to shake, and I hesitated before shaking it cautiously. 

"I mainly work downstairs in some of the labs." He explained. "It's nice meeting you."

I nodded, smiling as he walked away.

His coffee beeped, and he sighed, pouring it in the mug before exiting again. 

It was an awkward interaction, but I blocked it from my memory and began exploring the common room a bit more. 

There were multiple couch arrangements throughout the room, including one around a small drink table that had multiple glass ring stains. Behind it was the bar, where apparently most parties were hosted, and in the back was the kitchen. There was a dining table there as well, along with a ton of bookshelves along another wall. One wall, facing outwards, was just complete glass.

I could see the entire city, and most of it was below me. According to Peter, a lot of people felt woozy so high up. It felt natural to me.

I placed my hand on the glass. It was freezing cold. Though the sun was shining, it was on the other side of the building, leaving the window in a shadow. It was also slightly moist, leftover from the condensation of the night before. I breathed a slight breath, and it left a small amount of fog around my hand. 

When I pulled my hand away, it left a foggy outline. I traced my finger over it, then drew a circle in the fog from my breath. 

I stared out the window for another hour at least, recalling the conversation with Peter this morning about learning to fly. It would be amazing to finally learn how to use my wings, even if there was no one else like me to help. 

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