51: Ohio

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I turned to Tony, who was glaring at the door.

"Mr. Stark-" Peter whispered.

"Shut up." He said, pulling up a map, placing the live feed in a small corner. I'm glad he did it, it was hard to watch.

"It's here." He motioned to a big forest area on the map. "I'll set up a jet to take us there soon. In the meantime, you two suit up and gather Romanoff, Maximoff, and..." His eyes darted around the room, trying to recall more useful members. "Get Sam. We need aerials."

"Got it," I said.

"Don't you think this is moving a bit fast-" Peter asked.

"Get your ass up and get the avengers I requested, Peter. And tell them to meet in the garage," Tony growled, slamming his coffee cup on the table. "Leave, so I can work out a plan."

"Alright!" Peter shouted, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the room. "We need to stop at our lab-"


"Because I need to get the thing I've been working on." He explained. "And you need your suit."

"Right." I followed him out of the elevator, FRIDAY moving extra fast that night.

He ran down the hall, and I followed as fast as I could. He ran in and shot a web at the cabinets, yanking out a small black bracelet. 

I ran around tables, ignoring any intrusive thoughts about the current events, and grabbed the case my suit was in. 

"You get everyone in the commons room, and I'll get Wanda," Peter said in the elevator. "She's up in her room. I can hear her."

He yanked the bracelet over his wrist, pulling off his hoodie. He left it on the floor of the elevator, tapping a few buttons on the bracelet. It transformed into his spider suit, small lines of black metal flowing out a few seconds before the fabric stretched between it and covered him.

"Shuri gave me some vibranium." He explained. "Reinforced suit, and it absorbs impact."

"Cool." I left the elevator at the commons area. "Bye."

"Bye!" He shouted as the doors closed.

"Nat, Sam, get up," I shouted. They were watching fight club.

They both stood up.

"Get suited up and meet us in the garage." I relayed the information.

"Got it." Nat disappeared in the staircase, while Sam made his way over to the elevator. 

"It's that bad?" He muttered.

"Yes," I replied.

He glanced up. I was an inch taller than him. "You're taller."


The elevator dinged, and I climbed in, Sam right next to me. FRIDAY didn't even ask, she already knew where to go. Peter's sweater was still on the floor.

I met Peter in the hallway. He was frantically fiddling with his mask in his hands, his hair already messed up.

"Hey." He said.


"Wanda's getting ready, and Nat just ran up here from the stairs-"

"How the hell-" I muttered. 

"I know." He elbowed me. "But hey, at least everyone's getting ready."


"I'm coming too." Steve stepped out of his room, in the full Captain America outfit. "Tony's already approved it, and Buck's staying back."

"Okay." Peter nodded.

"Almost ready!" There was a shout from Wanda's room. She threw open her door, the headband still hovering in the air with a bit of her magic. She adjusted her gloves, then placed the headpiece over her hair.

Sam appeared next, his metal backpack with the collapsed wings inside over both shoulders.

Nat took forever.

"Uh, Aunt Tasha?" Peter asked. "Are you almost ready?"

"Oh, yeah, sorry." She opened her door, a handful of knives and guns in one arm. "Just getting everything together." 

She had her normal mission outfit, on, with the harnesses and belts empty of weapons currently.

"Hold this." She handed a few knives to me and put the guns in Steve's arms. "Sorry." She followed us into the elevator where we all awkwardly watched her add each individual weapon to her body until she strapped the last knife to her hip.

"There we go." She brushed her hands off, looking at them all. "Oh, wait." She kicked the heel of her boot, and a small blade shot out. "Good." She stuffed the blade back in with the toe of her boot.

The doors opened to Tony waiting impatiently against a car. 

"You shitheads took eleven minutes." He looked at the case in my hands. "Get in the car."

Tony was driving, and Nat sat shotgun. The three other adults squished into the middle row, and Peter and I clambered into the back.

Peter held my hand the entire ride.

"Alright, you all need to know the plan." He said as he pulled out of the underground lot. "We're taking a hoverjet. It'll get us there in about forty minutes. Sam, you're going out first. We need aerial surveillance, to begin with. There wasn't time to plan. Romanoff, Maximoff, and Rogers are gonna drop in a few hundred feet from the main entrance, once Sam locates it. Maximoff, you're our tank. You take out the first few dozen soldiers, or guards, or whatever they have. Romanoff, you sneak around with Rogers. Have him find the control room, and unlock everything. Set off all the alarms you can find, and send everyone into mass panic. Then, Rogers keeps it under control in the control room, and you search for Max." 

"Um, Mr. Stark, where do we come in?" Peter asked.

"I'm getting there." He said. "Natasha sends out a signal on this transmitter," he held up a small black button device. "And Harley, your suit will show you exactly which walls to blow up to get there. Pete works from the hoverjet, putting it right over where you need to be, and drops in on a web. Then you guys get a gurney or something for Max, put her on it, and I'll be ready with a clip from the jet to pull her up. Then everyone gets the hell out, and Sam'll bring everyone back up to the jet. Does that sound good?"

"How do we know Max will be there?" Steve asked.

"Because there aren't any more near us. This one makes sense where she could be at." He replied. "And I'm doing this in total hope that she is there."

"Awesome," Sam said sarcastically.

"Any objections?" He asked.

"No," I said.

"Great." He stopped in a line of traffic. "Oh, this is wonderful."

"This is gonna be at least a thirty-minute wait," Sam noted.

"Perfect." Tony stepped out of the car. "Re-group at the airport!" He tapped his chest, and his suit came on.

"Jesus Tony," Nat muttered, stepping out. She tapped a few buttons on her armband, calling her motorcycle.

It appeared a few seconds later, jetting between cars. She grabbed it, nodding to Steve, who climbed on behind her. They left, leaving Wanda and Sam with us.

"Are you guys coming?" Sam asked.

"You have to get out so we can unfold the seat," Peter said.

"I know." Sam laughed but was yanked out by Wanda's magic.

"Come on." She said.

I put the seat down, crawling out with my suit in hand.

Peter slipped his mask on, following me.

I set the case on the ground, ready to step into the suit, but Peter stopped me. 

"We don't have time for that." He grabbed it with a web, putting it back in my hand. "I'll carry you."


He kissed me through his mask, then grabbed my waist and shot a web through the sky.

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