49: Restraints

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The elevator ride was silent. 

Nat stayed in the elevator to go up to her room and change. I entered the commons room, taking my time to walk over to everyone in the living room.

"Harley!" Peter waved. "Tell them we're watching star wars!"

"I don't know about that," Sam said from the other side of the couch. "I vote for fight club."

"He's fifteen, Sam," Bucky muttered. 

"Yeah, Sam," Peter muttered.

"You little shit-" He stood up, but Bucky grabbed his wrist with the metal arm.

"Sit down." He said.

Sam sat back down.

"I think Star Wars is a great idea," Wanda added.

"Thank you!" Peter smiled.

"Fight Club." Natasha walked in, hopping over the side of Sam and Bucky's couch and sitting between them.

"Thank you!" Sam exclaimed.

"How did you get here so fast?" I asked.

"I'm a ninja." She replied, raising her eyebrows.

"Awesome," I said. "Let's watch Fight Club."

"Harley-" Peter groaned, dragging me next to him.

"Fine, Star wars." I rolled my eyes, smiling.

"That was completely biased-" Sam muttered.

"Hell yeah it was, now turn on fucking star wars," I added.

Sam, Bucky, and Wanda all glared at me, jaws dropped.

"Swearing is for adults!" Sam exclaimed.

"Give him a break, Christ," Nat said.

"And give me the remote-" I lunged for it in Sam's hand, but he yanked it back.

"I'm not going to sit here and watch stars wars another time-" He looked at his hand, where the remote was missing.

Peter grinned, holding it with a small web on it. 

"He's cheating-" Sam shouted. "Oh, I swear to god I'm gonna kill you-"

"Sit down and shut up," Nat muttered.

"Fine." He grumbled, crossing his arms. 

"Here." Peter handed me the remote, grabbing a blanket from across the room with a web. He laughed as it flew back at us, landing on top of him. "I got a blanket."

"Great." I smiled, pulling up the entire collection of star wars movies. "Which one?"

"A new hope. Duh." He muttered, flipping the blanket open. 

That night, we all enjoyed the movie. It was the first time in a while I'd felt happy, and I forgot about the entire Max situation. I forgot about getting tased and being arrested, even if it was only for a little bit. 


I woke up in a bright room.

A ringing clogged my ears as my eyes adjusted. 

Searing pain suddenly shot through my body.

I heard a loud scream echo through the room.

Oh, it was me.

I blinked my eyes open, and the room came into focus. Fluorescent lights plagued my eyes. Bustling voices sounded over the ringing.

I blinked again. 

There were the same ceiling tiles as the facility where I was raised. Bars of light were suspended in cutouts, the only light source in the room.

I looked around.

It was a full glass room, with a large table covered in buttons a few feet away from me. On both sides were a shit ton of wires. If I looked far enough, I could see the same ugly blue color of leather the facility had in their medical rooms.

I'm back.

I tried to sit up, but my body was stuck in place. I was on my back. Finally, I noticed my wrists were strapped to the table

I struggled against the wrist restraints. I tried to look at the rest of my body, but my entire torso, neck, arms, and legs were stuck to the table. 

I peered as far as I could to look at my feet. My legs were bent weirdly, and there were black straps around my legs themselves, almost like splints.

A man in a white lab coat appeared over my head.

"She's awake." His voice sounded old and raspy.

"Should we up the voltage?" Another voice said from behind me. I couldn't turn to look.

"No, wait." It was the old guy's voice. "Sit her up."

The chair below me moved until my torso was propped up, and my head was held only by the neck belt.

"Hello, One." His eyes squinted like he was smiling under his mask. "Or Max, as I heard you've been called."

"What do you want with me-" I muttered, stopping once my voice cracked.

"Speech partially repaired." A comment by someone behind me, again. It was someone different this time.

"I just want to talk." He continued.

"About what." I glared at him. "What the hell do you want with me?"

"I just want to tell you what's going to happen." He said. "With you and me."

I didn't say anything else.

The man was sitting on a rolling stool, which he moved slightly to my right. He pointed to a black box with a blinking red light on it. "This is a direct live feed, currently being sent to your friends at Stark industries."

"What the fuck-"

"They can see and hear you right now. All of them can. It's being broadcasted through the entire tower." He continued, not stopping. "We have a procedure you're currently going through, called the abstract program. It puts the test subject under so much physical pain, that it forces their body to create supernatural forces to repel the tests."

"What the hell kind of program is that!" I shouted. "Who would ever do something like that, you sick fuckhead!"

"Can we get some peace and quiet?" He asked.

"You fucking piece of shit!" I screamed. "You're crazy! I swear to god I'm gonna fucking kill you-"

A chunk of leather was stuffed in my mouth, and tied to somewhere in the back of the chair to stop me from talking.

"Hhu!" I shouted. "Uh ou!"

I tried to shout fuck you.

"Listen here, you better shut up and listen to me, or we're just going to have to repeat what we've been doing the past few days!" He shouted, standing up. He pointed to the camera in front of me. "This has been up for two days! And your friends haven't done anything about it, so don't expect your shouting to grab their attention!"

I furrowed my brow. Two days?

"As I was saying." He sat back down and pulled out a file. "All our previous subjects have failed the tests. They did not have genetic mutations, such as yours." He cleared his throat. "Well, such as you had."


Then I realized where the pain was sprouting from.

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