17: Dresses

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"Okay, I pulled out all my backless dresses, which I'd assume you'd prefer." She said, leading me down the hall.

I nodded.

"I've got twenty-two, I counted. You'll be able to find something you like."

I nodded again, following her into her room.

There was a tall rack of colorful fabric in one end of the room, a sort of temporary wall on one side, and a full-length mirror set up in the middle of the room.

"All right," Wanda exclaimed. "Do you know where to start?"

I shook my head.

"Alright, just go through and pick out some that look cool. We're the same size, so there shouldn't be any problems."

I nodded and stepped cautiously towards the table. 

Can I look at anything?

"Yes, that's why you're here. I can help you with anything."

I don't know what I'm looking for.

"Okay. Why don't I pull out some dresses, and you just tell me if you like them or not?"

I nodded.

"Firstly, we have a blue a-line, and then a pink a-line." She pulled two dresses from the rack. They both have v-neck tops, with thin straps and a long skirt.

I shrugged. They didn't look very interesting. Some of the dresses had sleeves that I could see, which looked like something that would be very pretty.

Wanda put the dresses on her bed and pulled out the one I was looking at. It was light green, with a lot of light fabric layers, and it was covered in little flowers. The same fabric that was for the skirt was used in the sleeves, which were puffy and appeared as though they fell to your wrist.

I smiled at that one.

"Do you like the sleeves or the tulle?" Wanda asked. "Or the flowers."


"Okay, I think I have a couple more." She continued. She set the green one on her bed, on top of the other two, and pulled out two more from the rack. One was blue, with fluffy sleeves that went to about your elbow, and the other was pink without straps and really big poofy sleeves that went to your wrist.

I glanced between the two. They were both beautiful.

In the end, I tried on all three. The pink one didn't fit around my wings, but the blue and green ones fit perfectly. I ended up picking the blue one because Wanda said it looked the best on me. I agreed, I liked it a lot. It felt nice to put on something fancy for the first time, but it was also stressful because it was fancy. I could wreck it easily, and feathers would easily get stuck in the tulle.

Once I put my normal clothes back on, Wanda just gave me the dress. She said, "Don't worry, I've never worn it. You can keep it after the show" It was very kind of her to do that. 

Peter came over that night, crashing through his bedroom window again. Harley, of course, was already there.

"Hey, Max!" Peter exclaimed, hugging me as soon as I walked in.

I smiled in return.

"Mr. Stark told me about the show. Are you excited?"

I shrugged.

It's stressful.

"Yeah, but you'll do great. Harley's gonna help you with everything."

"I will." He lay on Peter's bed, folding his hands on his stomach. "Don't say anything about dresses, please."

I raised my eyebrows.

What's wrong with dresses.

"Every year around prom, it's all the girls talk about. What color tie do you have? What color dress should I get? What shoes are you wearing? No, you can not wear an iron man suit. I'm breaking up with you, you don't know anything about the importance of dresses." He mocked. "You date one girl, and suddenly it's all about fucking fancy designers and shit."

Peter snorted. "Aren't you gay?"


You're happy? 

The only definition of gay I'd ever gotten was happy, in the Oxford Dictionary.

"What?" Harley glanced at me. "No."

"Wait, Max, do you know what gay means?" Peter asked.

"Happy?" I questioned.

"Oh no, that's the old definition." Harley chuckled. "It means guys that like guys."

"Ok," I said.

"Yep." Peter laid next to Harley.

"Are you gay?" I asked him.

"Uhh. No."

I stared at him.

"Just because we're dating doesn't make me gay."


"There's a lot of things," Harley continued. "Bi, pan, straight, demi, ace. It goes on forever, honestly."

I raised my eyebrows.

"Each one means something different," Peter added. "I'm bisexual. That means I like more than one gender. My friends pansexual."

"Likes pans?" I asked.

"Uhh, no." He replied, giggling. "It means you're attracted to all genders. Ace is none. Then there's a ton more that would take forever to explain."

"Ok." I sat in Peters's swivel chair, letting my wings sit on the floor.

"Do you want somewhere else to sit?" Peter sat up. "That looks uncomfortable."

I shrugged.

It's actually easier than a normal chair because there's space for my wings.

I lifted one through the crack between the armrest and the backrest.

"Oh. Ok."

We sat in silence for a little bit.

"Oh, Max!" Peter shouted, sitting up. 

I glanced at him.

"We finished out lightsabers." He exclaimed.

I nodded.

"Want to see?"

I nodded again.

"Come on." He rushed past me, leaping over one of my wings on his way out. I picked up my wings and followed Harley, who was standing with Peter. We took the elevator, Peter impatient the entire time. He and Harley were holding hands, which i'd noticed they'd done more and more around me since that night in the compound upstate.

Peter ecstatically showed me the lightsabers, which cut through another block of wood, and glass. Then he and Harley showed me their "Cosplay mode," in which the actual heat and danger settings were turned off, so they could mess around with them all they wanted without getting hurt.

That night we watched the first three Star Wars movies. They were pretty good. 

I also talked more than typing that night, whcih Peter told me was really great progress.

We went over what we were all wearing to the show, then Peter had to leave since it was probably three in the morning and he had to get back to his apartment.

I slept well the rest of the week, mostly dreamless sleep. On the next Saturday, F.R.I.D.A.Y. woke me up at six, like usual. "Good morning Max. Today is the press conference and show. You need to be ready by five to get in the car."

Wings || Peter ParkerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon