35: House

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"Shit!" MJ shouted.

MJ had her arms and legs wrapped around me, as I was flying above the city. Don't ask me how we got up, I don't know.

MJ tightened her grip on me as we began to reach the outskirts of the city.

"Where is it?" I asked.

I heard her take a deep breath. "Go right." She quickly pulled her head back from around my shoulders and burrowed it back into my shoulder blades.

I angled my right wing down, putting us perpendicular with a road below. I continued on until MJ gave me more instructions. 

"That's it!" She pointed to a large house in a neighborhood far from the city. There was a lot more grass, and her house, in particular, had a long driveway, and trees lined the edges like a fancy road. It stuck out from the rest of the houses, with a visible blue pool in the back and a different shape than the standard ones in rows.

"Going down," I said, before dipping to just above the treetops, waiting for the trees to stop and to land in the parking area.

MJ gripped my shoulders tightly, gasping as we landed. She continued to cling to my back for a minute until she realized we'd stopped, then stood back and wiped the hair out of her face. 

"Oh, okay." She breathed, dropping my backpack next to her. "Not doing that again."

I smiled, grabbing one bag strap. "Sorry."

"No, that was very fast commuting. Avoiding all the traffic." She brushed her hair back and began walking to the front door. "My parents won't be back for another three weeks, and my brother's on a college trip so there's not gonna be anyone bothering us."

I walked behind her, stepping up the doorsteps and following her inside. The inside was huge. We were facing a big room, filled with couches and armchairs around a single tv, about half the size of my wingspan. There was a fancy-looking staircase on the left of the room, and a balcony above. To the right was a kitchen, and to the left was a large sunroom, and a few hidden doors. Underneath the balcony, there was a long walkway to a set of double doors in the back, which overlooked the back deck outside. 

"Come on, we can get you set up in the guest room." She grabbed my bag and threw it over her shoulder, bounding up the stairs.

I followed quickly, trying to avoid hitting the walls with my wings. Entering the room, there was a large bed, maybe the same size as the one in the compound. MJ set my bag down on the bed and sat down next to it.

"You're welcome to stay as long as my parents aren't home. Tony Stark will probably locate you somehow, but I think if you stay inside you'd be okay. There is a security system, so don't try to open any doors or windows aft nine o'clock." She said. "You can borrow my clothes if you need, although I don't know how they'd fit." She nodded to my wings. "I'm gonna be in school, I can't skip anywhere near as much as Parker does. And uh, I'll give you a tour whenever you're ready. Sound good?"

"Sure." I folded up my wings to allow her to pass by the doorframe, and then she showed me around her house. 

Both of MJ's parents were doctors, as it turned out. They were usually away on important medical trips, but they made a ton of money, enough to have a pretty good-sized house in New York City. It had her room, her brothers, her parents, and a guest room, along with four bathrooms, a large kitchen, a large living room, and two offices, one for each parent.

We watched a movie that night. MJ made us popcorn, and we were huddled up in blankets on the couch. I was sitting with my wings all stretched out, and she was very carefully leaning on one, and we were sharing a few different blankets.

Once the movie had finished, MJ checked her phone and called someone. It was only around eight PM, but I went up to the guest room and inspected everything in the room.

There were two large paintings in the room, both done by the same painter with a signature to scribbled to tell what it said. Bookshelves were filling one wall, full of book spines in every color, text in every font, and books telling tales of stories from far away lands.

I did eventually end up reading one that night, and then a second. I occasionally heard snippets of MJ and Shuri's conversation over the phone, but I tried my best to ignore it. I didn't want to eavesdrop.

I fell asleep easy that night. Woke up the next morning feeling still as tired as usual, and mopey. MJ was already at school when I woke up. She left me a note on my door, saying Went to school. Don't forget to eat and drink water. The tv remotes are on the table.

 I followed her instructions, making myself a bowl of cereal and watching a movie on their tv. I later went upstairs to grab a book to read, then found myself laying on the floor, reading with the book in front of me.

It was a mostly uneventful day. Until MJ got home, I just read and watched tv. Then MJ went to her room to change, and I forced myself to stand up and greet her when they came downstairs. 

Unfortunately, I didn't get very far when a loud knock on the door echoed through the house, and a man with dark brown hair ran through the doorway with duffel bags hanging off each shoulder.

"Surprise!" He shouted. "Mom, dad, Michelle!"

I turned to stare at him, my wings raised to appear intimidating.

He took one look at me and screeched. 

Authors note-rip lmao, I've been trying to post this for a couple days now. I have no fucking motivation, sorry. This was also just a filler chapter, though that was a little obvious. I'm fuckign tired as shit, so I'm just gonna go to sleep now.

okay bye

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