42: Bullets

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Tw: This chapter's got blood, bullets, trauma. and gory descriptions. Follow aat your own risk.

"Hey!" I exclaimed, shaking his shoulders. My wings were raised high in the air, fluffing feathers around us the whole time.

He didn't move.

"Peter Parker!" I shouted, slapping his face.

He didn't even open his eyes.

My gaze traveled down to the gunshot wounds. Something silvery metal was lodged in a shallow hole right where his lungs should've been.

The shine was slowly getting larger, until the bullet just popped out, clattering on the concrete roof.

I stared at the hole, which had begun filling itself with tissue, molding and stretching together like a spiderweb.

I watched as the other four bullets made their way out, one in his shoulder, one in his thigh, and two more in his chest.

An approaching fwoosh sounded, then a clink on the pavement. The gears in the iron man suit turned, and Stark stepped out. Moments later, Harley approached in a similar model, in different shades of red. He pushed his way out of the opening suit, running to Peter and grabbing him out of my arms. 

"Peter!" He shouted, shaking the boy's shoulders. "Peter!"

Tears were already coating Harley's face, while Stark watched from afar.

"Peter." He whispered. "Peter, I love you. Please wake up!" He silently mumbled, brushing his hair in his fingers.

"He's fine," Stark muttered, kicking the bloody bullets on the roof.

"No, he won't wake up!" Harley shouted. "Max! This is all your fault!"


"You ran away! He was out looking for you!" His shouts became cries. "This is your fault he's like this!"

"Harley!" Stark shouted. "It's not her fault!"

"Yes it is-"

"Harley." Stark warned, picking up a bullet. "He'll heal fine."


"He's alright." He explained. "Bullet holes are easy for his body to heal. We need to bring him back to the tower."

"But he's not okay!" Harley wiped the tears from his face. "He's not waking up!"

"He's exhausted." Stark argued. "Put him in your suit and send him back."

"But I can't just leave him-"

"Look, I'll send another suit for you." Stark explained. "It's fine. You stay here. Don't yell at the girl. It's not her fault."

The girl.

Thats all I was to Tony Stark.

I was just the girl.

Fuck him.

I waited until they got Peter set up in Harleys suit. Harley was crying. Peter was unconscious. I just sat there. Shocked, my face probably pale. I had tears on my face. I didn't realize until just then.

Stark and Peter took off moments later, flying back in the direction of the tower when Harley turned to me.

"You left." He said in an angry tone, pointing at me. "He was looking for you every night."

I stared blankly at him.

"He was here because of you." Harley continued. "And now he got shot. Because of you!"

His shouts echoed across the buildings.

"You can't even follow a simple fucking rule for twenty-four hours!" He shouted. "You left us all, you fucking left! And now Peter's been shot, for fucks sake."

Tears welled in my eyes as the guilt tore a hole in my stomach.

"Just go back to wherever you were." He grumbled. "Leave, for chirsts sake."

"I'm not just going to leave-" I tried to say.

"You're good at it!" Harley exclaimed. "A lot of people are good at it! And you do it a lot. So go on back to whatever alley or bench you were sleeping on. Leave me and Peter alone." He shouted. "Don't come back!"


He turned around, dropping to the ground and burying his face in his arms. I slowly approached him, placing a hand on his shoulder when he jumped and turned back around. His eyes were red and bloodshot, while his face was glistening with tears.

"We don't want you here Max!" He screamed. "Go, and don't come back!" 

He pushed my backwards, shoving my shoulders to the edge of the roof.

I stumbled back, reaching the side of the building.

"Leave!" He walked quickly towards me, shoving me over the side of the roof.

I didn't make any noise. I could just fly out. Right?

I opened my wings out of reflex. They just hit the sides of the walls as I fell. I couldn't open them. There was no room in the alley. 

I panicked. 

The feathers whacked the bricks, the skin underneath getting shredded, trying to prevent me from falling. I tried wedging myself in with my wings.

No use.

I first hit the dumpsters, a loud clang rattling through my head and a shout escaping my mouth.

Then my wing snapped. I heard the crack. It split through my skull, sending searing hot pain through my back.

I landed on the pavement, feeling multiple things break all at once.

All I could hear was my ragged breaths.





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