38: Shock

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Peter glanced at Harley, then me.

I broke eye contact first, glancing at the ground again. "I'm sorry."

"This is what that was about?!" Harley exclaimed. 

"Mr. Stark it's-" Peter stammered. "I mean- we're not-"

"Look I don't care, I just wish you'd told me." Stark interrupted. "But you're fifteen, Parker. And Harley, you're only sixteen. You two are very young."


"I want you guys to be safe." Stark cut off Harley. "And I don't want to see you two advertising this in the news." He turned to Peter. "Spiderman, or not, the backlash is gonna be bad."

It was silent for a moment.

"Max, you told him?" Peter said, looking at me with tears in his eyes.

I felt my own tears drip down my cheeks. "I didn't mean to, I'm sorry."

"I trusted you." Peter continued. He was staring at me, a betrayed face covered in tears.


Stark cut off Harley again. "I'm going to leave now, but you should know it was an accident, what Max said. And Max, I expect you to see me in my lab as soon as you're done here." He took off down the hall without a response, leaving Peter, Harley, and I standing in the hall alone.

"Max." Harley glared at me. "What exactly did you say?"

"I don't remember." I tucked my hands into my hoodie sleeves. "I'm really sorry."

I stayed silent.

"Can you at least try to remember?" Peter asked quietly, moving to stand next to Harley.

I raked my brain searching for something. "We were fighting in the car ride. He said he knew everything about everyone in the tower."

Harley went to move, but Peter held him back.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, it just came out-"

"What did you say, Max," Harley stated, not showing any emotion.

"I-if you knew everything, then you'd know your son was gay." I stammered, my voice quiet and shaky.

"You-" Peter held Harley back. "You outed me!" He shouted. "Because of a fight you had! Because you snuck out, and you outed Peter and I instead of just being a normal teenager and accepting your consequences!"

"I'm sorry-"

"You hurt two other people in the process," Harley grumbled. "You can't do that!"

"I said I was sorry!" I shouted back. "That's not good enough, but you don't have to scream at me! I already know what I did was wrong, but please, I feel horrible and I'm sorry!"

"No!" Harley shouted. "This isn't all about you! You act like a little brat just because you're new and you've got wings. Well, I hate to break it to you Max, but you're a freak!"

And with that, he turned around, grabbed Peter, and slammed his bedroom door closed.

I stood there in the hall, staring at the white door. Neither of them had deserved what I did. Peter was quiet like he always is when he's sad, disappointed, or depressed. I'd never seen Harley mad before. He did scare me, and I know I deserved it. I shouldn't've said that.

I must've been there for a while until I hear F.R.I.D.A.Y. speaking to me.

"Max Pierce, Tony Stark has requested you in his lab."

"Okay," I said in reply. I didn't answer with anything else, just started making my way down to the long hall and to the elevator. I dropped my backpack outside my room and continued down the hall.

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