60: Another

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Another day passed.

And another.

...And another.

Peter told me tomorrow was Thanksgiving, so he wouldn't be at the tower tomorrow. Harley also warned me of Thanksgiving, so that means it's bad. Apparently, everyone in the tower comes to the common room to eat a huge dinner and appreciate each other.

And we all had to come and watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade. Peter said that part was fun though.

He had today off from school, so he came to the tower. And apparently, even the Wakandans were coming, invited by Stark.

I was unaware of that fact for half of the day.

"Hey, Max!" Peter said. He was outside my door.

"Hey," I replied. "You can come in."

"Oh, uh." He opened the door. "MJ's here."

I got up and went to my door. They waved behind Peter.

"Hi." She smiled.

"Hi?" I stepped out of my room and closed the door behind me. "What's going on?"

She was staring behind me, where my wings should've been. "I just wanted to say hi again. Uh, last time we hung out, it kinda just." They muttered.

"Yeah. Thanks, I'm okay." I replied.

"Uh, do you guys want to go to my room to talk or something?" Peter asked.

"Sure," I answered.

MJ nodded and followed us to Peter's room.

"No Ned today?" I asked. I think his name was Ned.

"He's on a vacation with his family." Peter supplied.

"Oh." I nodded. 

"He also probably would not react well, to everything." He continued.

"Yeah." I nodded as the lights flickered.

We all looked up.

"I don't mean to be rude, but isn't Tony Stark a billionaire?" MJ asked. "Can't he pay for his lights?"

Peter glanced at me.

"Uh, they've been acting up," I replied.

"Huh." She sat on Peter's bed, nodding. "So, other than everything, how's it going?" She asked.

"What do you mean everything?" I asked. "The public shouldn't have been told anything."

"Um," Peter pursed his lips. "Well-"

"You shouldn't be telling everyone." I warned.

"It was only about the uh, wing, part." He muttered.

"Oh, perfect." I smiled. "MJ, what did he tell you?"

She paused. "Just the um, the fact that they're gone." She frowned. "I'm really sorry-"

"It's fine." I smiled, not looking at the lights. They were blinking out for a second at a time.

"Hey," Peter started. "And uh, another reason MJ is here, is because we have some visitors!"

I raised my eyebrows.

"Shuri." He supplied.

"Oh, okay, cool." I nodded, forcing myself to smile.

"For Thanksgiving." He continued.

"Wait, do you guys have a huge avenger's Thanksgiving?" MJ asked.

"Yeah," Peter replied. "Only I can't go, 'cause May and I are going somewhere."

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