36: Surprise

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"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU-" He screamed, his bags hitting the floor with a loud thud.

I stared at him.

"MICHELLE! MOM?! DAD?!" He grabbed a vase off the table next to the door and brandished it towards me, asking for a fight.

I could hear the thud of MJ tripping upstairs.

"Hi." I waved.

"WHO ARE YOU?! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" He ran at me, the vase still pointed toward me.

I stepped out of his way.

"Charlie!" MJ shouted from the top of the stairs. "What the hell are you doing?!" She scrambled down the stairs, grabbing my hand when I offered it to her so she didn't fall on the last few steps.

"Michelle!" He shouted in reply. 


"What the fuck?!"

"Put the vase down!"

"Who is that."

"Charlie I swear to god I'm gonna call mom if you don't put that fucking vase down right now." MJ threatened. She grabbed it out of his hands and rested it carefully on the couch. 

"Who the fuck is that Michelle?" Charlie panicked.

"That's Max." She stood next to me. "She's my friend."

"You're friend has fucking wings-"


"Real wings?"

"Yes, they're real wings," I replied, annoyed. "And I was born with them, and I'm an avenger. That answer all your questions?"

"No!" He spun in a circle, holding his head in a panic. "Why are you here?!"

"Sleepover," MJ said loudly. "She's sleeping over."

"Why are you friends with a fucking avenger?!" He panicked.

"Can you stop saying fucking?" I asked as the two fought.

"No comment," MJ replied.

"Do mom and dad know?" Charlie asked.

"No!" MJ replied. "They're not going to be home for another three weeks, which you should've checked up on if you were going to surprise everyone on a trip home from college!"

"Well, I didn't expect to find a random girl with fucking wings in my house when I came home!"

"She's not a random girl she's my friend." MJ crossed her arms. "She needed a place to stay for some time, so she's staying here."

"Oh, is this your girlfriend?" Charlie asked. "Hi Max, I'm Michelle's older brother-"

"I'm not her girlfriend." I interrupted. "I'm on the run from Spiderman and Tony Stark, AKA Iron Man, so it would be nice if you chill out, stop saying fuck, and listen to what MJ's trying to say."

"She's very dangerous." MJ glanced at me, smiling. Then they continued: "That's why she's on the run."

"Yes," I said, nodding. "And I will, uh... I'll kill you if you tell anyone."

"Sheesh." Charlie stepped back. 

MJ rolled her eyes.

"I came home to tell you guys my trip was canceled and I was gonna stay here for a few days before I drive back to my apartment, but I think I'm gonna stay with a friend." Charlie continued. "MJ." He glared at her.

"Shut up." She flipped him off and slammed the door behind him, after kicking his bags out the doorstep.

They turned back to me. "I'm sorry about that."

Wings || Peter ParkerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora