9: Harley

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I turned around quickly, my wings exploding in the air. I jumped a little. 

The voice was so unexpected.

Peter lept onto the ceiling, most likely scared from my wings.

Instead of being tucked up against me like they usually were, they were raised to full extension in the air. I'd never been so scared in my life, which made sense because my life was pretty boring. 

Feathers flurried everywhere as Peter climbed down from the ceiling. He smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck. "Hey, Harley."

A blonde boy who looked around Peter and I's age stood in the door to the lab, holding out a screwdriver as if it were a weapon. "What the fuck Parker?!"

"Shh!" Peter covered my ears. "She doesn't know any swear words!"

"Oh?" He replied, slowly lowering the screwdriver.

"So, uh, Max, meet Harley. Harley, Max." Peter stepped back, sitting cross-legged on the closest table.

Harley rolled his eyes. "Fucking avengers, there's more." He held out his hand. "I'm Harley Keener. I'm from Tennesse, and yes, like from Hannah Montana. How are you?"

I smiled and shook his hand lightly, glancing at Peter.

"Hannah Montana is a Disney show." He explained. "Disney is how we watched Mulan the other day."

I nodded.

"Why do you have wings?" Harley asked, sitting next to Peter on the desk.

"We don't know." Peter leaned on Harley's shoulder. "Born with them, right?"

"Cool." He replied. "Why are you down here?"

"I was gonna show Max our lightsabers." He added. Peter ran off to grab something from the big cabinet, hanging off the ceiling looking for it.

"Alright. When did you get here Max?" Harley asked me.

"A couple of days ago," Peter shouted from across the room.

"Damn, let her answer a question," Harley said. "So, When did you get here Max?"

I pursed my lips.

"Can you talk?" Harley spoke.

I shook my head.

"Okay." He replied. "You got a way to communicate?"

I nodded, showing him my wrists.

"Oh cool!" He peered close at the bracelets. "Did Tony do those?"

I nodded again, turning the keyboard on.

I can type.

"Nice. I've been working on a pair of my own for our hologram desk." He pointed to the black, shiny table on the side of the room.

"Harley!" Peter shouted. "What'd you do with the lightsabers?"

"They're on my desk."

"Why did you move them?"

"I needed to fix the laser. I dropped 'em last night."

"Why were you down here last night?" Peter rushed over to the table Harley was sitting on. He dropped two metal rod-like things on the table with a soft clunk.

"I was working."

"How late?"

"I haven't slept yet."

"Jeez!" Peter exclaimed. "Go get some sleep. We'll be fine down here."

"No, I just finished a cup of coffee."

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