I smirked. "That's insanely hard when you're just literal energy."

"Become an electro shock therapist," Harley said.

"No." Peter covered his mouth. "Maybe just do try and take some deep breaths. Come on, we'll do it with you."

Harley laughed behind Peter's hand, and I burst out laughing. It took forever to catch my breath, and my stomach hurt so bad.

"Please try and focus," Peter said.


"Okay, just breathe in." He paused to take a big breath. "And out."

I copied.

"And in."

"And out."



There was a little tingle near my fingertips and the top part of my ears.

I frowned. "Uhh."

Peter looked up.

My fingers had a blue-ish aura floating around them.

"That's good. I think." He gave me two thumbs up. "Yeah, just keep going."

"Eh, I think I'm good," I muttered, laying down. "I'm tired."

"Uh, I guess that works too."

I looked at Harley, who was asleep, all curled up in the most uncomfortable position.

"I think I'm just gonna go to sleep." I continued.

"Uh, go to your own room." Peter motioned to the door.

"Rude." I picked myself up and walked out.

I found my way to my room and collapsed on my bed, not even bothering to shut the door.

When I woke up, everyone was in full panic.

I covered my face with a pillow, the light in my room was so bright.

I tried to look at the clock, but it was just a huge mess of red lights.

Two people covering their eyes walked past my room. I could hear their footsteps.

I scrambled to my feet, covering my eyes mostly as well and squinting, making my way down the hall.

Almost everyone was gathered by the elevator, along with Stark and Peter whispering. I made my way through the group of people, looking over at Six, in which case the boy was also poking his way through to get to the front.

"Max-" Peter said. "It's three am and the lights are going crazy!"

"Uhh," Six muttered.

"That might be me." We said in unison.

Peter frowned.

"What?" I looked at the un-named boy.

"What do you mean what?" He asked. "I think it's me that's doing the thing with the lights."

"No-" I glanced at Stark, who was just watching out interaction.

"What do you have to do with this?" Stark asked Six.

"Um, should I say it with everyone here?" He asked.

"Say what?" Stark seemed very confused.

"It's just-"

"Let's go and talk over there." He said, pointing to a corner of the hall. I would describe it as dark like the halls usually are, but the lights were blinding me. "Max, come on. Peter, you stay."

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