"Just so happens to be my sons tenth birthday." Niall spits. "We were just leaving 'nyways." Niall says getting up. Allen looks hurt.

"No daddy! Mummy and I miss you! Don't go!" He begs. Harry tells Allen to hush and I nod. Then Niall just leaves. I'm hurt. Why can't I wake up. This isn't a dream. It's a nightmare.

I snap my eyes open and catch my breath. I look around at the now very dark hotel room. I need water. I walk over to the sink, pour myself some water and gulp it down. Allen looked just like Niall. Sounded like him too. But he had my hair. My way of thinking? I let a tear fall.

"It's not his." A voice scares me out of my thoughts. I jump and find Harry sitting at the table. I look at him questioningly. "It's mine actually. They had the charts mixed up. I'm going to be a dad." I stand across from him at the table. "She called me just before I fell asleep. I even talked to the doctor. Niall never slept with her. I went to tell him. But couldn't find him. I asked e'ry one else if they'd seen him. Which they hadn't. Now he's missing." Harry continues.

"What?" My eyes widen. Niall's missing. I drop my glass. It shatters on the floor. But I don't care. I'm looking right at Harry. Whom is looking right at me. "He's. he's gone?" I ask. Really just to myself. But Harry nods. "But he. I. No!" My heart is racing now. I feel like I did in the dream. Broken. Abandoned. Hurt. I blink a lot to stop the tears.

Harry stands and starts picking up the glass shards. I help him. We don't talk anymore. I pick up a really sharp piece of glass and cut my hand. "Ow. Ow. Ow!" I cry out. Harry looks at my hand. He washes it and hands me a bandaid.

"You had the dream too?" He asks out of nowhere. I look at him with an eyebrow quirked. "With Niall Jordan. You and Niall's son, Allen I think his name was." I gulp and nod. "So did Jordan. I wonder if Niall had it too...." Harry trails off.

"We have to look for him, you know." I tell him. He nods and says he knows. "Now. Before he does something stupid." I say sternly. Harry nods. I get changed and we walk out of the hotel. Not a single idea where to go. Not a single idea where he might be.



I'm all alone. I'm hurt. Why would they both think I'd do that to them? I'm not like that! I mean yeah, I've went on three dates whilst dating this wonderfully amazing girl. But management. I'm so pisses at myself. I don't know what to do.

I change into some cool clothes, grab my keys and leave. Not really sure where I want to go. I wander around the hotel a bit. I head down to the pool deck.

It's dark out now. The sun set was just a few hours ago. The moon bright and high in the sky. I see the beach. That's where I want to go. The beach. I open the gate that leads to the sand.

I take my shoes off and set them just at the bottom of the stairs. The cool sand squishing between my toes. I smile because it feels good. I put my head phones is and Apologize by OneRepublic plays. (A/N: I know there's a lot of OneRepublic in my story now, but I mean c'mon! It matches the situations so well! Don't hate me!)

I agree. It is too late to apologize. Very late. Delilah thinks I'm a cheating man whore. And Harry hates my guts. I stop at the waters edge. The water just nearly touching my toes.

I see flash lights and giggles. A happy couple walks past me. That should be me and Delilah. Just then That Should Be Me by the one and only Justin Bieber plays in my ears. I see two flash lights now. But these two strike me as odd.

A tall curly haired guy followed by a short girl. They were ways away, I could barely hear what they were shouting. Why were these two shouting. They were walking swiftly. With urgency. Like they were looking for something or someone.

I watch as they grew closer and closer. Then the thought hits me. It's Delilah and Harry. Now they're close enough I can hear them. I panic. I don't want to talk to them. I do the one thing I thought I'd never do to Delilah. Run from her.

"That has to be him! He's running! Niall!" Delilah cried out. "Niall please! I'm sorry! Please stop!" She's begging. I don't listen to her. I keep running.

"Niall, mate please!" Harry's husky voice shouts. "It's mine! You never slept with her! Please mate! Delilah Ohmygod! Are you okay!?" He shouts. His voice showed how worried he was about her.

I turn my body slightly to look at them. Delilah's red hair fanned out ofer her. She cries out in pain. Harry crouches down next to her. She's holding her foot. Maybe she fell.

I take this as a sign to run away. So I book it. I run until I can't run anymore. I collapse on the sand. I lay flat on my back and try to catch my breathe. The stares look beautiful tonight. I look at my phone to see the time. Just after two in the morning.

Why were they looking for me at two in the morning. "It's no use Harry. He's so upset with me. I don't blame him. Just take me back to the hotel. Maybe he'll be ba-" she's cut off by herself. She's sobbing.

They're not but twenty feet from me. I guess they can't see me, due to the fact I'm wearing black. Harry sighs and starts walking off, Delilah in his arms. I want her to be in my arms.

But I'm just so hurt. I wipe away the tears that have found there way to my face. Why is out relationship so fucked up? Why do I somehow screw everything up? It's my fault she's in Harry's arms crying.

I guess that's what I've always wanted for her. To be with Harry. And not with me. It would make everyone happier. Not just everyone, but Delilah. She turns to him when we get into a tiff.

I huff and stand up. They're way off in the distance. I'm no good for her. Not one bit. The walk back to the hotel was long. But it was okay.

When I got to my room, I found a price of clean paper and a pen. I wrote down everything I thought Delilah deserved.

1.) a better boyfriend

2.) a happier life

3.) her own flat

4.) her brother

5.) everything under the sun

6.) to be treated like a princess

7.) her dad

8.) less heartbreak

9.) not me

10.) Harry

I wipe away my last tears I I folded the paper and set it on my pillow. I labeled it: Things Delilah Deserves

Then I packed my bags and left the hotel. I don't really want to. My heart aches. But she'll be happier without me. Way better off too.

When All Goes Bad (in editing)Where stories live. Discover now