Dear Delilah,

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When you do something and you think 'Oh! Thanks what it means!' You've got the answer.


Chapter seven

"Delilah. You okay?" Niall asked after a while.

"Yeah." I clear my voice, which got caught in my throat. "I'm fine." I smile up at him. I pull from the safety of the hug Niall and I were in. Walking back to my room I heard a Niall shout something.

"Dammit! Shit shit shit! Delilah!" He calls. I run back to see Niall collapsed on the ground. He winces with pain holding his knee.

"Niall!" I shout running to him. "What happened!?" I sat next to him. "I'm taking you to the hospital. I think you broke it!" I am freaking out.

"No no. It's. ahhh. It's okay." He tries to get up without looking hurt. I glance at him worriedly. "I got it Delilah!" He yells at me.

"I'm... I'm sorry." I stutter getting up leaving him. Why did he yell at me!? I storm to my room slamming the door. I was just trying to help him. Just trying to make him feel safe. Make him feel like I do when I'm in his arms. I whip away the stray tears.

A heavy knock on the door startles me. I don't say come in. I don't get up. I just let whoever's at the door continue to knock till they finally give up. I hear the foot steps walk off. The knocking starts up again. WHAT DO YOU WANT!? I wanted to yell. I walk over.

I swing the door open ready to give the 'what do you want' look when I see Liam standing in the door. "Liam!" I smile and hug him. "I missed you!" I shout, kinda. He hugs me back. Telling me they took Niall to the hospital. I scoff.

"What?" Liam asks after I scoff. "Why'd you scoff?" He asked giving me a confused look. I told him how Niall yelled at me. "He likes you. He was trying to be tough. But he had no right to yell at a lady. I'll talk to him about how to treat a lady" Liam laughs. I shake my head smiling. "Coming with Louis and I to the hospital?" He asked.

"No. Thanks though." I smile, Liam frowns then leaves. I walk about the flat by myself. I see the tv in the living room is still on. I sit on the sofa and mindlessly watch the tv, awaiting to boys to come back.

When a mail truck is heard outside I go get the mail. Niall. Niall. Harry. Harry. Harry. Harry. Niall. Niall. Harry. Niall. Niall. Niall. Delilah. Niall. Harry. Wait. I go back to the one with my name on it. In bold letters read : FOR DELILAH. OPEN NOW. So I do as the letter instructs me to do.

'Dear Delilah,

I know where you are. You cannot hide from me. You may be able to outrun me. But I know the streets of London A LOT better than you. Your mother is very upset with you. I watched you get this letter from the mailbox. I know where you are. I will get you.





I drop the paper and go to the window. Pulling the curtain slightly to the right. Looking out I noticed a black car pealing out. Turning quickly to look at the now very very empty flat I can't wait for the boys to come back.

As if on cue they stroll in. Niall on crutches and Harry walking behind him. I run right up to them and hug Harry tightly. "Ohmygodguys! I'm so glad you're home!" I mumble into Harry's chest. He rubs my back asking me what the hell I had just said.

"The mail. I got the mail. There was a letter for me. And I. I had to see who it was from. It was from my Uncle." Tears streams from my eyes. "He knows I'm here. He knows." I sob into Harry's chest.

"Sweetie. There is no way your uncle can get to you from this flat. Securities strict. I'll call Paul and tell him about the what was it? The letter?" He asks. I nod and hand him the letter. I watch his face grow from confusion to concern to fear. He quickly pulls out his phone and steps into another room to talk to Paul leaving me alone with Niall.

"Look, Delilah. I'm. I'm sorry about snapping at you earlier. Really." Niall said. I look at him and tell him it's okay. "Help me to my room please?" He said so sweetly.

"Sure." I help him to his room. "Look, Niall. I know Paul'a good and all. But I can't stay here any more. Not with Uncle Ben after me like this. I. I have to move locations. You know that right?" I tell him. I know I have to leave this dream I'm living. I watch Niall's face go to say something but he closes his lips as I start to tell him nothing's going to change my mind. I sit on his bed and look at him.

"You Niall. This was my dream. To meet you guys. To tell you guys I love everything about you. A chance meeting that would leave to your love for me. Haha. And look. I got my chance meeting. Plus I got to live with you guys. And I never once thought I'd have to give it all up. But I have too. If Uncle Ben finds me. There's no telling where I'll end up. I'm really sorry Niall." I look away. This is the hardest thing to to ever.

"Delilah. Are you sure there isn't one thing I can't do? We could get your uncle like arrested for hitting you. Please Delilah." He gabs my hands now. With pleading eyes. "Please. Harry and I really like you. So do the other guys. We love having you around. It makes us happy."

"You can't have him arrested. He's my uncle. Lets just rest on it, yeah?" I say tucking Niall in his sheets. I place a soft kiss on his forehead. I get up to leave but he grabs my arm.

"Stay. Please." He asks. I say okay and slip into the bed with him. My mind is going a hundred miles and hour. I can't stay here. Uncle Ben will get me. I can't have h arrested. He's my Uncle. I want to stay here. But I know it isn't healthy for me. It isn't healthy for the boys. Not at all.


"Guys, Paul said he'd tighten security up. You're going to be super safe, Delilah. Please stay." Harry says to Niall and I at the table over breakfast. "Delilah. Stop shaking your head. You know you want to. Please." Now Harry's begging for me to stay?

It's not right. They shouldn't have to protect me. They shouldn't tighten security up, just for me. I've only known them for what, a month or two now?i sigh as Harry and Niall go on and on about all the reasons I should stay. Lux. They like me. The other boys like me. Blah. Blah. Blah.

After a shower and changing of my cloths I go get my bags from my closet and start to pack things. The knock on the door was almost unheard. I let them come in. "Oh hey Zayn." I smile turning to see who walked in, but still continue to pack.

"Why are you so freaked about your Uncle getting to you. You know Paul's got you. You know us guys got you. Niall. He really wants you to stay. He told me that is you do go. He's going with you. And we told him there I no way that is happening. He just told us to shove off. He's packing now." Zayn. What the hell are you doing!? Stop.

I glare at him. And he holds his hands up in surrender. I laugh. "Sorry Zayn. It's just this thought keeps creeping into my head." I sit down and pat the spot next to me for him to sit down. "I just wanted to say thank you for talking tithe buys about me moving in. I know it took a lot of convening. Thank you." I hug him.

"Anything love. Have to for an old friend!" He hugs me back. "Remember when we were little and you used to visit Ben, you'd come over to my house and tell me you liked me." Zayn laughed at the old memory of us.

"Haha oh yeah! And that one time I broker arm. You kissed the whole thing saying 'get better'" I laughed uncontrollably. He laughed too. " I miss being little." Frown. He hugs me and asks me to stay. If not for Niall hot Harry but for him. And how can you say no to Zayn Malik, One Direction singer slash childhood bestie? That's right. You can't.

"Okay. Help me unpack. For like the fifth time." I laugh and he helps. When were done I tell Harry and Niall I'll stay. They are so elated they order five pizzas and 100 wings. This is my new life. Nothing can change it now. Nothing.

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