Bad Dreams

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A long time ago, you were little. And didn't care what others thought of you. A long time ago, you had a best friend. And now you don't even care about that person anymore. A long time ago, you were young. And carefree. But look at you now. You're all grown up. You care what other people think of you. You have a new best friend. Now you want to be carefree. But you're not. Enjoy life while you're young! Because why not Live While We're Young!?


Chapter tewlve.

After Niall'd given my the phone for my birhtday so Uncle Benn wouldn't trake me down, I say goodnight to the boys and wander off to my room. Closing my eyes to dream land welcoming me with open arms. I wake to a horred sight.

Niall, he's laid on my floor, blood gushing from his head. I scream at the top of my lungs. Harry rushes in. "Wh-what's going o- WHAT THE HELL?!" He asked seeing his friend, my boyfriend, sprwaled out on the floor unconsiuse and in a pool of blood. "What happened!?" Harry screaches, holding back tears.

"I-I don't k-know!" I studder holding back a few of my own. I get off my bed. My legs, they feel like jello. I colapse on the floor just a few feet from Harry and Niall. I can't move. I'm frozen here. I try to look at my body. But I can't get my heavy head off the damn floor. "N-Niall?" I look at Harry worriedly.

"He's....... Not breathing...." Harry said slowly. My head was spininig my eyes grew unclear. My heart rased 100 miles per hour. What's happening to me.

'Just get up, love. Everything will be okay if you just get up. Please, for me. Please, just open your eyes and get up.' A voice in the back of my head sounded. I blink profusly. "What is happening here!" I yell.

"DELILAH IF I KNEW DON'T YOU THINK I'D TELL YOU!?" Harry yells at me. "Sorry, I'm calling the police." He says pulling out his phone. Minutes later ambulances and police and firetrucks show up. They take Niall first saying he's not dead, yet. I let them take the blood stained blood haired boy off. Then they came back for me. Bumbarding me with like a million questions.

"When did you find him?" "How long's he been out?" "What''s your name miss?" "What do you think happened?" "Why didn't you call sooner?" Question afterquestion.

"STOP ASKING ME WHAT HAPPENED! I DON'T KNOW OKAY!" I yell at them. I really didn't know. Harry was quick to find me squirming in the restrant chair the ambulance put me in. I thrashed and I had tears streeming down my face.

"shh, shhh, Dililah." He stroked my hair. My breathing was rapped and I felt light headed. "I asked them what they think happend..... They think he fell and hit his head on something. There's a dent, that can't be fixed. Delilah.... Please, just calm down a bit." Harry knelt down infront of me. My breathing started to slow, my heart still racing. My eyes darted around. How did I get into this room?

"A-are we in the hospital?" I asked stuttering. Harry just nodded. "I-I just want to see him, Harry. I want to see him!" My voice started to rise. He placed a claming hand on my knee.

The doctor walked in. "Harry, may I speack with you in the hall?" Harry noded then they left.

Harry returned a couple of minutes later. His face stained with tears. I looked at him with pleading eyes to tell me what the hell was going on. He just shook his head no. I knew what he meant. "H-he's g-gone?" I questioned tears threatning to spill out again. He didn't look up from the floor, he didn't say a word. Just stood there, tears falling from his eyes.

"It'll be okay." He rushed to my side, whiping tears off my face. "You'll be fine. Just open your eyes. Wake up, Delilah. Please. Open your eyes" He pleaded. "Pleased, you're starting to scare me. Please, don't make me call Niall in here."

'You just told me he died!' I yelled. Muffled voices were heard all around. My eyes were tightly closed. I didn't want to face life without Niall James Horan. 1/5 of One Direction. The boyband I came to know and love.

"Wh-where am I?" I questioned opening seeing Harry, and Liam, and Zayn, and Louis looking worriedly at me. Peering at me from me own bed? "WHERE THE HELL AM I?!" I blurted out. They looked at me confused.

"In bed?" Liam stated confused. The boys all looked at me in confustion.

"Is she up yet? Oh hey love!" Niall said striding over to sit next to me on my bed. My eyes widdend. What the fu-

"You're all sweaty! Gross!" Louis exclaimed cuttign of my train of thought. "Look at ya! I'm gone. She needs a shower." He walked out of the room. The other four just peered at me with concern redden faces.I blinked a thousand times. Was that a dream? Or is this the dream?

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