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...But those are the best kind.


Chapter twenty-one

It's easy to say goodbye to your mum, or your brother. But never the girl you love. It's easy to say what you mean. But hard to mean what you say. I take one last glance at Delilah. She waves goodbye. I miss her already.

Louis pats my shoulder, and we walk into the terminal. I sit in the aisle seat, I wish Delilah was here like last time. I grin the armrest. Liam sits next to me.

"Mate, grip any tighter, you'll rip it off." He chuckles and pats my left leg. I look at him. I'm going to cry. Not because I'm scared. Because I miss Delilah already. And we haven't even moved yet.

I close my eyes and lean my head back, whilst listening to the flight attendant give instructions. "Here. I brought you these." Liam says holding out his right hand.

"Pills?" I question.

"Sleeping pills. So you sleep through the flight and stuff." He shrugs. "Water please." He tells the attendant.

She brings the water. I say my thanks. "You really think this'll work? Mate I had some last flight. And they didn't work." I look at the pills that now lay in my hand.

"They're Delilah's sleeping pills. They seem to work pretty well for her. It doesn't hurt to try." He explains.

"Right." I say throwing the pills in my mouth and gulping down some water. They work almost instantly. I'm out like a light.

"Niall. Niall. Niall. Niall. Niall. Niall. Niall. The planes landing. Wake up. Niall. We're in New York. Wake up. Niall. Niall." Liam pokes at my face.

"Stop." I groan. I slept the whole flight? Hmm.

"Please make sure you have your carry ons and make your way to the exit. Located to the left. Have a nice evening. And please fly Jet Blue again." The attendant said overly happy.

I grab my bag and head out the exit followed by the rest if the guys. I don't feel so good. Queasy almost. I have a roaring headache and my stomach feels awful. I bring my free hand up to my forgets. It's very warm.

"Liam, mate. Feel me face." I say looking at Liam. He give me a questionable look. "I'm not feeling well. Just check and see if I have a fever." I grumble. So he does.

"Yeah you're a little warm. We'll pick up some cold meds at the drug store." He sheepishly smiles.

I roll my eyes, which I should not have done. My head swims and I almost collapse. I grab the railing in the terminal that leads into yet a new airport.

"Mate, you're as pale as a ghost. You feeling alright." I think it was Louis that asked. I nod yes. It's really hot I here. But also cold.

Oh man, if I have a flu or something. The limo waits outside the airport and we pile in. I decide to rest my eyes. Before I know it, we're at the hotel. I have a room to myself, since Delilah decided not to come.

I collapse in bed and sleep some more. When I wake again, the red letter on the clock reads 10:33am. How's that? I roll over to see Liam's worried face.

"Your temp is 101.5. I think you have the flu. Um. We postponed tonight's concert for tomorrow during the day. And Harry. I sent him and Louis out to get a doctor or something. Zayns In there trying to make you soup. Delilah called this morning. She's worried about you. I think she might end up meeting us in Florida. She'll bring Lux, Lou!" Liam shouted to Lou who must've been here.

"What?" I wasn't really paying attention. "Delilah's what?" I ask.

"She might meet us in Florida. Might." Liam said.

"Oh. Okay." I wasn't understanding. Everything's kinda fuzzy. The door opens then closed. Three guys walked in. Curly, lengthy, and doctor. I close my eyes. I'm just so tired.


When I called Niall's phone this morning I knew something was up, because Liam answered his phone. I'm packing frantically. I told Liam I'd meet him in Florida. But I've decided to fly out tonight and meet them in New York. I knew I should've gone when Zayn asked if I was sure I didn't want to go.

"Liam. Yeah hey. Everything is.... Fine." I zipped the last of Lux's bags. "I'm flying out tonight. I'll be there tomorrow around. Mmm this time? You'll still be at the hotel in New York? Great. Tell Lou I'm bringing Lux. I have to go. Lux is crying and I have to get to the airport in like a hour. Give Niall a kiss for me. Haha. Just kidding. Bye Liam." I hung up and ran around my room.

Packing this. And that. Shampoos and conditioners and necessities. Lux is already packed because I never really unpacked her. I grab her three bags and my three and call a cab.

The cab driver helps me get the bags in the trunk. "Shit. Be right back." I run back into the flat and grab the car seat. I out it in the car and strap Lux in.

We pull into the airport and I run all six bag in one hand, while the carseat and Lux are in the other. The lady checks me in and takes all the luggage and the carseat.

When I get to the terminal, I literately run to my seat. Lux placed atop my my lap. My boyfriend/fiancé is sick and I need to get to him. The plane goes off the ground. Lux plays with my fingers and a mirror. Oh Zayn.

"Can I get you anything?" The attendant asked.

"Water." I smile at her. She bring it to me and I sip on it.

When we finally land I call Liam to give me directions. I call upon a cab. I give them the directions Liam gave me.

I call Liam to let him know I am outside of the hotel and they won't let me in. He comes down and lets me in, grabbing the carseat and four of the bags.

I walk into this amazing room and gasp. It's beautiful. Then I spot him. Niall. Laid in bed, asleep. I gasp again. He's so pale. Like he hasn't eaten I in a couple of days. But I see an empty bowl, of what I assume was soup. I place lux in the play pin Zayn and Louis had set up.

I sit on the bed next to the boy I love. "Hey baby. I'm here." I whisper into his ear. I kiss his check. Man it's warm. He stirs. "He doesn't have the flu." I tell them.

"Yeah. We know. The doctor left just before you got here. Said he's got ammonia Worst case he's seen. Prescribed bunches of meds." Harry said to me.

"No! Baby!" I coo hugging him. Harry try's to pulls me off. And I let him pull me off. I cry into his shirt.

"Why're you cryin love?" Niall asks.

"You're. You're sick." I say confused as to why I'm actually crying. Embarrassing.

"I love you." He smiles. He's not as pale as when I walked in.

"I love you too." I smile at him.

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