Upseting Heartbreaking

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A/N: thank you mimopoco. (She knows why) Please comment where you would like to see this story going. Like a nice park date? Or a beach stroll?


Chapter Twenty-Two

"Really, Niall? Is that how you feel!? You know what! I knew it was a bad idea for me to come here. I knew I should've stayed. Uhg! You're so annoying! And you're a lier!" Delilah yells at me.

"Baby, I'm sorry." I grab her waste. She makes a huffing nose and moves away from me. "I didn't do it! She kissed me! C'mon. We've been on tour for three weeks now, and you're already falling into tabloids? She. Kissed. Me." I tried reasoning with her.

How can she not believe me? It was an old crush. Demi Lavato. But, SHE KISSED ME! I didn't kiss her back, nor did I like her anymore. But Delilah being Delilah, she wasn't having it.

"Says here you went on a DATE with her. You two enjoyed a lovely 'couples meal'. Also seen 'holding hands'. Niall, I love you. I want to believe you. But look at the prof." A tear escapes her eye and rolls down her check. She lifts her hand up and angrily whips it away. "I'll be sleeping in the lounge of the bus tonight. With Lux. You. You just don talk to me." She storms off.

"Delilah! C'mon baby, I love you. You. An only you. Why you think I gave you that ring?" I point to her left hand. "I love you." I was choking on my own words. "Please." I whisper bowing my head.

She walks slowly over to me. Her red hair in a tight bun, her black skirt slightly above the knee, her white top making her look like a business woman. See moves her arms. I still have my head bowed.

She hold out her hand. "This is the last straw Niall." Her right hand extended I hold up my left hand to catch the ring I'd given her three weeks ago. I look at her bloodshot eyes. "I'm. We're taking." She chokes in her words. "Taking a break. You're free to run around with anyone you want too. No girlfriend to come back to on the bus. Free." She forces a rueful smile, and walks to the back of the bus.

I let her cool off. I hear her sobs. Her whimpers. I wish I hadn't have gone on a date with Demi. Wish I hadn't gone on a date with that American model. All for publicity. Zayn walks in the bus.

"What's up mate? You been crying?" He asks placing a hand on my shoulder. I shove the ring over to him. "Mate?" He looks confused. Then I shove the magazine over to him. I slam my head in the counter. Again. And again. "Niall, stop. Is this true?" He asked.

"Yeah. But she kissed me. Delilah. She doesn't believe me. Not an ounce." I sulk. He gets up without a word and goes to the back of the bus. Maybe to talk to Delilah.

I walk to the small loo and shower and change into some sleepers. I sulk back to my bunk and lay there. I hear Louis enter with Harry and Liam. They're all laughing. Then they hush. "Niall?" Louis says. I stay quiet not wanting to talk to everyone.

"Guys look." Liam says after wrinkles of paper was heard.

"Look. The ring. Oh god. NIALL!" Harry shouted. I hold my breath. "Niall, mate, where are ya?" I hear him walk past me and into the back of the bus. "I found Delilah!" He shouts to the rest of the boys.

I hear them shuffle past and her sobs grow louder. I shimmy on some real pants and a plain tee. And slink out of the bunk, out of the bus. I can't stay here while she's crying.

I'm so stupid. This is the girl I love. And my four mates are conferring her, not me. Because I'm the problem. I'm the reason that beautiful girl in there is crying. I'm the reason she's being comforted by my mates. I kick the bus. I kick it again, this time hurting my foot. I curse a few time before limping to the door. I climb back into the bus. Everything is surprisingly quiet.

I shake off my shoes and examine my newly injured foot. It's swelling. Pretty badly, too. I pry the sock off. Oh man, it's all red and puffy. I poke it. I wince with pain. Maybe I just bruised it. I wobble over to my bunk again.

"Niall? You okay?" Louis rushes to help me.

"Yeah. Peachy." I say crawling into my bunk. "Close the curtain if you're not talking to me." I mumble into my pillow. I hear the curtain close. I scroll through twitter.

@DelilahH01 : #done I'm over the drama. I just want to go see my dad.

@DelilahH01 : I know you're reading this. I'm not sorry. But you should be.

Ouch. I favor it and turn my phone off. I am sorry. I've said it a million times. You don't believe me! I think as I toss and turn.

I hear the other guys climbing into thief bunks. All but Harry. It's quiet enough I can hear their muffled voices.

"I still love her. You know? Like she doesn't understand. I guess she hates being away from me. And I hate being away from her. So she called me. We're done, too. I guess this isn't the best day for either of us." Harry said.

"Yeah. I mean I still love him, but I'm not sure how much I love him anymore. I let it slide the first two times. But then with Demi. It's the last straw. He has a perfectly fine girlfriend here. One he practically proposed to." She sniffles. "Sometime I just want to know what he's thinking." She softy cries.

I hate this. She hates this. She hates me. A tear runs down my face.

"He loves you, too," Harry says. "A lot."

"No," she protests. "If he loves me, he'd stay away from those other girls." She cries.

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