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Soft maturity warning for this chapter..

Chapter 23 is X-Rated.


I found myself walking to the waterfall behind Luke's house. I could hear the water crashing, flowing over the large boulders and pooling at the bottom. I sat in the sand at the edge of the lowest pool, staring into the rippling water.

How could he say those things to me.. How could he think of me like that.. how could he ask me to bare his mark when he didn't love me and even more so, how could he ask me to give myself to him, to give him that special part of me that nobodies taken.

Apparently he thinks I've already given it away..

I twirled a tendril of hair around my finger, contemplating everything that's happened since I got here. I thought about how different this life is than the one I was previously living. I survived off of breaking rules, and running from my problems but that's not how things are here. These people have a place to stay, a place to call home, people to defend.

Luke has people to defend.

It's literally his job to keep his people safe, to ensure the safety of his pack. I was supposed to be his mate. His partner. His packs Luna. I was supposed to make sacrifices for the good of the pack. If I deny Luke's request, I deny the pack the protection that they need, from the potential danger that I myself caused. I couldn't do that.

Not now... Not with who I've become.

It would have been easier before. I would have ran far away. I would have gotten high. I would have drown the shame of running away with liquor and drugs. Pushing it to the back of my mind and never thinking of it again, until it haunts me in my dreams of course..

But not now.. Not the sober me. The sober me wants to do the right thing, wants to make Luke proud, wants to earn the trust and respect of the pack. The sober me has goals, has motivations other than finding my next buzz..

Who I am now wants Luke more than anything else.

I started walking back to Luke's house, hoping he would be there, waiting for me. I slid in through the back door, the house was quiet. Maybe he wasn't here. I tried my best to creep up the staircase, stepping near the sides of the stairs to dampen the creaking of the old wood.

"Luke." I tested as I got to the top of the stairs. I walked from heel to toe, slowly making my way toward his room.

"Luke?" I said again louder this time. I could hear the shower on in his room. I opened the door, his scent exploded around me. I swallowed hard, knowing exactly what I came here to do.

I started peeling my clothes off, slightly shaking with each piece that fell to the ground. I walked into the bathroom, steam erupting from behind the shower wall. Confidently I strode into the shower, my shoulders held high.

He watched me as I stood Infront of him, waiting to be accepted. His eyes flickering from the usual blue to the striking silver of his wolf. A small growl filled the room, just audible over the sound of water pelting the shower floor as he slowly stalked over to me, standing just infront of me.

He looked down at me, carefully searching my eyes before grasping my hips and pulling me into him. His mouth immediately met my neck, which caused a fire to build inside of me, warmth spreading through my body like lava.

His tongue tasted my skin, lapping it up like I was sweeter than honey. I could feel his erection grow as his large hands gripped my hips, roaming my body, his palms covering every inch of me that he could find.

Finally he pulled away, holding my jaw with his wet hands, wiping the dripping tendrils of wild hair out of my face.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked sincerely. His eyes searching mine for any hint of regret.

"Yes." I nodded as I breathed out heavily still trying to catch my breath.

"What made you change your mind." He spun me around, pulling my back into his chest as his fingers traced my collar bone.

"What kind of Luna would I be if I didn't make sacrifices for the good of the pack." My words seem to have pleased him immensely, as he growled again. It sounded more like a purr from deep within his chest. Vibrating against me, causing a warm tingling sensation to rise in my core.

"Luke.." I spoke quietly as he kissed my shoulder. Both of us just enjoying each others touch under the water. He hummed, never letting his lips stay away from my skin for too long.

"I never had sex with some guy from the bar." That caused him to stop kissing me, his lips lingering just beside my neck.

"I'm sorry." He whispered behind my ear.

"What I mean is..." I turned to face him. "I've never had sex at all." I stared up at him in anticipation, waiting to see what emotions he might show.

His pupils we're already blown out, flecks of silver scattered throughout the blue, but some how my answer just amplified it all.

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