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Blair's thin blond hair curled slightly before her shoulders, bouncing as she walked. I tried to keep up with her pace as she walked but quickly fell behind when my thigh began to ache.

"Do you live around here?" I asked, looking at all the beautiful scenery. Large trees that look like they have been growing for centuries. Bigger than anything close to town. Houses hidden within the woods. Birds chirped around us in the tall branches.

Blair looked at me with annoyance and rolled her eyes. I wonder what her problem is. Maybe she's annoyed with me because I'm walking too slow. I tried my best to keep up.

"This is the training ground." She pointed to a large grassy field with people fighting and working out. There were giant wolves wrestling each other on the far end. I stopped to stare at them tossing eachother around.

"Enjoying the view?" A throaty voice rumbled from behind me. A tingling sensation rippled through my body at the hypnotic tone.

I turned around, suddenly overwhelmed with a slight tremble throughout my body. My mouth instantly went dry as I took in the sight.

"Um.. I mean.. There's.. wolves right over there." I gaped as I directed a finger out toward the training field. I started twirling the end of my hair out of nervousness as he stared at me straight faced. His cold blue eyes never left mine.

"I thought you might sleep forever." His tone was arctic as he looked out over the grassy field. His hair looked like his fingers had run through it just moments ago.

"I was in a coma." I dead panned.

"For five days." He didn't seem happy, as his lips tightened into a straight line.

"Uh huh…" I pulled my back pack to the side of me and fished out a smoke and a lighter. His attitude was offputting. I put the stick in my mouth and flicked my lighter. The thin white stick was immediately snatched from my mouth.

"You're not smoking." He ordered while shaking his head, jaw clenching.

"The hell I'm not. You can't tell me what to do." I disputed with annoyance as I glared up at him. His frame much larger than mine.

A low rumbling growl emitted from his chest as he glared down at me. Suddenly he made me feel very small.

"Did you just.." One of my eyebrows arched up.

"Growl. Yeah he did." A young brown haired man ran up to us from the field. He had a kind face and a bright smile.

"Down dog." He joked with the first man.

"I'm Oliver. This is Luke. Excuse his… Colorful behavior." He apologized for the stoney man in front of me.

"Myah… Colorful, yeah." I introduced myself and bit my lip as I eyed Luke, he returned my look with a death glare of his own.

"Anyway, I think Blair was taking you to your cabin?" He looked between Blair and Luke.

"Yeah, right this way." Blair started in the same direction as before. I nodded at Oliver and hobbled behind Blair trying to keep up again. She had no sympathy for my wounded leg.

She came to a stop in front of a small A frame cabin. It had a small porch with one chair and a small table. It was roofed with black corrugated steel and adorned with black fixtures and nice grey wood. It was beautiful from the outside.

"This place is yours." She opened the front door to reveal a surprisingly modern cabin. There was a large living area, with a kitchen and bathroom in the back, a stairway led up to the loft where i'm assuming my bedroom will be. A wood stove and a long black pipe extended all the way up the wall and out of the roof.

"I can't afford to stay here." I shook my head.

"Consider it paid for." Her snobby attitude was starting to get under my skin.

"By who?" I implored roughly.

"Luke. He'll be taking care of your expenses from here on out. If you need something, ask him and he'll get it for you. Now… if you dont need anything else, ill be on my way." She was quick to walk out. The door sliding shut quietly behind her.

I looked around the house, a beautiful kitchen with black stone counter tops and a full range propane stove. It was any chefs dream. The refrigerator was full of fresh foods and drinks, everything looked organic. No soda, no alcohol, no juice and the cupboards were junk food free. Only dried fruits, weird noodles and seasonings really.

The bathroom was pretty modern as well, black subway tiles, above counter black porcelain sink and a walk in shower made with dark stones. There were even soap products stocked already.

The stairway was a large black spiral staircase that led up to my bedroom. A huge bed lay on the floor with a bright white comforter and fairy lights. The back wall had a large wardrobe and a window. I opened the doors to the wardrobe to reveal clothes already hanging inside, inside the drawers was socks and underwear.

This house was a dream, I could stay here forever. I sat down in one of the chairs in the open living room and looked out the large sliding glass door in the kitchen. There was a garden and a small shed out back.

I wondered how long I would stay here. This whole situation was a bit weird. I'm not sure why these people are taking care of me, or who even saved me last night. I definitely wanted some answers.

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