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Luke walked next to me as we approached the tall man at the hospital doors. I mean mugged him as we got nearer. He nodded his head at his alpha. Luke opened the door for me. I stared at the tall man once again trying to show my back bone.

"I told you I'd be back." I tried to spite him before walking in the door.

My nerves kicked in the second I passed through the door. What if it wasnt him? What if it was and he didnt want to see me? What if he didnt remember me? What if he was hurt? Scarred from whatever happened to him after he was taken?

"Who would have thought that a tiny human could intimidate my guards." Luke joked as he showed a small smirk. Normally I would have swooned, and inside part of me did but right now I was all too consumed with what was about to happen.

"It's unit 2A." He pointed toward the closed door. I slowed as I closed in on the door, stopping completely infront of it and not knowing how to move forward. I wasn't sure how long I stood there contemplating what I might say to him. The incident ran through my mind like it was fresh. Luke put his hand on my shoulder and knocked on the door a couple of times before opening it.

I instantly recognised his light blue eyes and dark hair, though the length was longer and looked kissed by the sun. His beard was a clear indication of his darker hair. His eyes found mine. We shared almost identical eyes other than the slight darker blue hue that accompanied mine. His were more like a cloudy day, whereas mine resembled ocean water.

"Chase…" I said his name out loud for the first time in twenty years. His dark eyebrows pulled tight as he examined me.

"Do you remember me?" I tested him as he stared at me seemingly speechless.

"I'm Myah…" my voice was low like I was talking to a frightened child.

"I'm yo-" I started but he cut me off.

"Of Course I remember you, Myah. I didn't recognize you. You've grown so much." He sounded so calm and genuine. It almost sounded rehearsed like he'd practiced this line a million times.

"I thought you were dead." I sobbed as I ran toward him.

"Hey. I'm right here, I'm alive." He held me in a hug before pulling me away and looking at me once again.

"Where have you been Chase? Why are you here? How did you get here?" I bombarded him with all my questions.

"We found him tied up in the forest. The hunters scent was all over him, but we couldn't locate him." Oliver strode in behind us with a large floppy x ray. He showed us chases broken bones and then left.

"Do you remember how you got out there?" I fished for answers. I found it odd that the hunter wasnt there, lying in wait for the wolves to come.

"No, its all blurry. They said I might have temporary memory loss." He explained. I wasnt convinced. Somthing was amiss here.

"Well rest up.. We'll talk more tomorrow, I'm so glad your alive." I pulled luke out of the room with me.

"I don't trust him." I confessed as we walked out of the hospital and toward the training grounds.

"You're smart not to. Oliver thinks he tied himself up." Luke spoke as he watched his warriors train in the field.

"Why would he do that?" I asked as Luke started toward the mats where men and woman alike were sparing with eachother.

"Why would the hunter's scent be all over him?" He quizzed me as he took place near one mat.

"Do you think he's hunting too?" The thought of my brother killing isn't one I wanted to welcome.

"I think we brought an enemy home, and I don't think he's alone." Luke was well aware of how I was feeling far before I told him but I think my omission gave me brownie points for our relationship. This was something we were going to have to work on. I was going to have to prove to him that I was strong, that I was able to take care of myself. That meant being careful not to trust someone just because they were my brother.

Luke walked into the mat and everyone grew quiet. Their faces filled with respect and honor for him. I wanted to feel proud of him.

"Can I get a volunteer?" He spoke loudly so the group could hear him. Whispers ran through the crowd and looks were shot between me and the redhead that approached Luke, a sultry look in her eye as she closed the space between them on the mat.

"Let's begin." Luke wasted no time in starting the fight. He watched her body intently as she bounced around the ring. My cheeks heated as I found myself jealous. A few moments pass before any moves are made between the two.

"Watch your opponent. Learn their weaknesses and strike upon them." He landed A single kick to the girl's ankle sweeping her off her feet in one fluid motion. The sound of her back hitting the mat was music to my ears.

"Get up." He urged the girl and she quickly popped back up.

"When your fighting for your life you must stay on your feet!" He yelled to the group who watched on.

"One. Wrong. Move." He stalked the readhead who was clearly too distracted by Lukes presence to even notice his plan of attack.

"Could mean the difference between life and death." He kicked her legs out from under her again and her back hit the mat harder this time. She groaned as she got back up to her feet quickly.

"Don't allow yourself to be overcome by distractions. Keep your head clear and your eyes on your opponent." He walked off the mat and straight toward me. I felt butterflies erupt as everyone watched him put his arm around my shoulder. I relished in the smell of him and the warmth that spread through me at his touch.

"I could get used to this." His voice was like velvet on my skin.

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