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I packed up some of my favorite things from my cabin to bring to Luke's. He insisted that I stay with him now that we know about the potential risk. The pack has been put on high alert until further notice.

I've spoken few times to my brother. Each time is the same. He doesn't recall things. He cant tell me where he was before the forest, other than the life he claims to have lived. He was a logger in the outskirts of Red Creek. He didnt look the part if you ask me. Nothing about his entire existance made sence to me. I wanted answers, and holly was the best way to get them.

I carried my bow close to my side with my quiver secured behind my back. I started carrying it after Luke said we had an enemy in our territory. I've brushed up a lot since then and I'm proud to say I'm an excellent archer.

"You again?" Holly joked as she saw me. The past couple of weeks ive been in and out of the nursery with all kinds of wolfy questions.

"What can you tell me about Chase?” i pulled up a bag of soil and moved it to the stack near the table.

“He is not who you thought he would be?” She watched as i worked.

“I- i wasnt sure what to expect.. I know hes hiding something. I was hoping that you could give me answers.” i stopped breifly to share a look of sincerity, a silent begging.

“You cannot change the future. What is written will always be. What would it matter if i told you now. It would only serve to cause you pain.” her answers have gotten darker and more cryptic each time ive asked.

“You didnt have a problem causing me pain when you drugged me.” the silence that followed was beyond tense.

“The fox needs the raven. She will bring change. Go along now.” she hurried me away with her old eyes looking tired. What the hell was i supposed to make of that. A fox and a raven? Obviously the raven is a woman, or atleast feminine in some way.

I had so much on my mind between Luke and Chase, and the training sessions ive been having with Blair. I needed to clear my mind. Luke doesnt keep as close of an eye on me these days. ive been able to wonder without being followed, or at least thats what i think.

I had my bow and i was out past the pack grounds in the woods. I closed my eyes for a moment to soak in the serenity of the vast wilderness. The air was moist and smelled of earth and tree sap. It was comforting to say the least. I stopped and knelt down to look at the hoof print of a deer. Tracking was a strong suit for me, so i did what i knew how to and i followed the trail.

I hid behind a large pine as i watched the buck chew on a few blades of grass. Readying my bow i crept around the tree until i could get a clean shot. I pulled my string steadily with an arrow at the ready. I took deep steadying breaths until i was ready to make my shot.

One. Two. Three. Loose.

I heard the string whip past my lips and the arrow shot at an almost invisible pace until it lodged itself into the heart of the deer. The thill of the hunt had my adrinaline on high. I quickly ran to catch the deer, tracking the blood trail until i found its lifeless body.

“Thank you for your sacrafice.” i said a small prayer for the life i had taken.

I looked at the big buck that lay infront of me, wondering how i was going to get him back to the grounds. I quickly remembered the feild dressing technique and began to gut the deer. By the time i had removed the insides of the deer it was much lighter in weight. I could manage to get it back to the grounds by pulling it along the ground by its antlers.

My arms and back ached by the time i got the buck to the butchers front door. Leaving the animal outside i walked in and was greeted by a large man in an apron. He was covered in blood just the same as me.

“Hi…” i shared an akward look with him as he took in my bloody appearance.

“Do you have a moment?” i motioned to the door. He followed me outside to where the carcass lied.

“Is this your kill?” He seemed more interested now. I nodded my head as he lifted the entire deer and brought it into the back of the house. He strung it up by its hind legs and began to strip the skin off the deer.

“Myah.” i heard a familier voice behind me. I turned to see Arthur looking at me with a concern.

“Oh- this. This is-” i pointed to the deer that was hanging, then shook my bow in my hand.

“My. How you've bloomed since your coming here.” he smiled at me. I walked over to meet him. It had been some time since i saw the young colt being born. I missed arthurs prescence. There was a comfort about him. I smiled back at him as i relished in the moment of reunion.

“How would you like this packaged?” the butcher made quick work of skining the animal. I turned to arthur.

“Is it possible to donate this meat to the pack, for their benefit?” i wanted to do something meaningful. Something that a real Luna would do.

“It is.” he peared at me with a curiousity.

“Do you know Lukes favorite cut of venision?”

“Oh thats too easy. Backstrap is everyones favorite when it comes to venison. He is also fond of the heart.” i enjoyed the cheerful look in arthurs eye as he spoke about luke so easily. They must be very close.

“Ill take the backstrap and the heart home. The rest is for the pack.” i nodded at the butcher and he placed my cuts of meat in brown paper tied closed with a string. I would cook for Luke tonight, as my first offical night living in his house.

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