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I watched as Arthur ran his hand along the massive grey horses belly. She was in labor. When i arrived he smiled a large toothy smile, asking if i wanted to help. Forgetting about all my plans i hurried into the stall to help in any way i could. I crouched down along side arthur waiting for the mare to stand up and push.

“Is this normal, for her to take a break like this?” i asked arthur, slightly concerned at the lack of progress that she had made in the time ive been here.

“There is no larger horse than the Shire breed. Their foals are also large. Their births take time. Ive been doing this for many years. Trust me Myah.” he smiled kindly as the horse began to stand up.

“Shes ready.” he spoke as the mare stood up and began to push, her stomach rippling with each contraction.

"Arthur, I wanted to thank you for the gift you left me." I smiled.

"You live with wolves now. They hunt, fight and protect their own. Now you can too." He smiled as he watched the foal fall to the ground. The mare turned around and started licking the foal. His big black eyes were glossy and his coat was covered in fluid.

Birth was messy, and beautiful. The beauty coming more so from the strength of birthing and the innocence and purity of a new life.

"Wow. Thank you." I marveled, suddenly realising I was attending the packs dinner tonight.

"I'm going to dinner at the pack house tonight, so I should be going. It was nice meeting you Arthur." I smiled, shaking his hand in mine.

"If you need anything, anything at all. Holly is just down the road from you." His hospitality was comforting. It felt like the first real moment of acceptance here.

I hurried home to shower before going to dinner. It was just getting dark as I left my house. The sky was filled with a waining blue, highlighted by orange and pink clouds.

I tried to keep my cool as walked down the lonely path. I was nervous as I passed the green house, as I had never gone this far before. The road was long, and quiet. I didnt see anyone on my way up here and I hoped I wasn't late.

Out of the trees appeared a huge log cabin with yellow lights beaming inside the huge windows. There was stone masonry and huge log pillars holing up a wrap around deck. It was breath taking. My heart hammered as I walked up the wooden steps.

I barely had time to grasp the huge hanger that was held by a wolf's mouth before the door flung open.

"Hey. I'm glad you came, were just getting started. Come on." Oliver ushered me inside.

Everything around me seemed to be larger than normal. Larger doors, larger tables, larger windows. This place was built for people like Luke and Oliver; for wolves. Even Blair was large for a woman.

"Relax." He instructed with a smile. That was easy for him to say. I on the other hand didn't particularly enjoy being around people, and I didn't like being the center of attention.

The room we walked into was filled with long running tables, one head table sat at the end of the room facing the rest, a huge fireplace was behind it. Two extremely detailed wolves placed on either side. Again, I was astonished at the beauty of this house.

"Oliver, why is our Luna making her first appearance without the Alpha. People are watching." I heard a girl whisper to Oliver as we made our way to the head table.

"I invited her. Luke cant hide her away forever. He had no intentions to bring her, so I forced his hand." Oliver gritted out as we took our seats, I felt hot as I looked out nervously at the full tables infront of me. He seemed mad at luke for his lack of acceptance for me. I just hoped I wouldn't get punished for Olivers idea, I had no clue.

"Why hasnt anybody started eating?" I whispered to Oliver who sat one seat away from me. Everyone spoke to themselves. Occational looks were sent to the table, watching me.

"They're waiting for their Alpha." I felt the words brush my ear, butterflies erupting throughout my body as Lukes hand rested on my shoulder.

"Glad you could join us Alpha." Oliver half heartedly smiled, a few drops of sweat forming on his head as he and Luke stared at each other with glossy eyes. It was almost as if they were communicating on some other frequency.

"Do you prefer Boone or Taylor?" He whispered, continuing to stand.

"Taylor." I answered quickly, matching his volume. He extended his hand, holding it out to me to grab. I placed my small hand in his, enjoying the warmth it lent me. He pulled me to my feet, my ears and cheeks feeling hot.

"Members of Dark River pack. This is my mate, Myah Taylor." He spoke smoothly and he lifted my hand to his lips. The pack clapped and smiles were seen all around and I blushed. The sudden acceptance clouding my mind.

*He had no intention of bringing her, so I forced his hand.*

Olivers words swirrled in my head, reminding me that this was all for show. This was never his plan. My smile quickly faded as I sat down. Still nobody started eating.

Luke cut a small strip of meat and held it up to my mouth on his fork. My eyes searched his for an explanation before opening my mouth for him. He slowly placed the meat between my lips for me to devour. As soon as I swallowed the bite the rest of the wolves began to eat.

I finished my plate quickly, feeling way beyond nervous. Luke's had one hand on my knee or an arm around my sholders for the duration of our meal.

"Thanks for inviting me." I looked down the table at Oliver, offering him a smile. I could see Luke's jaw clenching out of the corner of my eye. " But I think I'm gonna get going."

"Ill walk you home." Luke spoke, standing along side me. He ushered me out of the room with his hand on my lower back.

I felt anger wash over me at his behavior and embaressment. He introduced me as his mate and his pack was happier than he was.

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