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I got ready for work fairly quickly, anticipating asking Holly what exactly that concoction was supposed to do. I was invited to the pack dinner tonight and I felt a little bit of acceptance growing.

I opened the front door and almost tripped over a long brown paper package on my front porch. I took it inside and laid it on the kitchen table. After opening it I held the long bow in my hands, the quiver filled with black feathered arrows. I put the string on and pulled the bow back slightly then released tension slowly until the string was loose again. I repeated this until the bow was flexible enough to use. If there was one thing I was familiar with it was a bow.

For a short time I lived on the farm of an old country man. He taught me how to track, trap and hunt. It was a shame when he died. I put the bow back and saw a small card in the box.

*A gift for you.*

I was curious about who this Arthur was. The long walk to work felt longer without Luke by my side. I wasn't sure if i should tell luke about my gift or if i should keep it from him. The idea of lying to luke had my insides twirling. It wasn't something I wanted to do. If Holly was being truthful, I'm sure he would sense my nervousness anyway.

“Myah. Did you find the Alpha after you stopped by lastnight?” Holly placed a small plant in a bigger pot.

“Uhm, no. No i didnt.”  i shook the images of Blair and Luke out of my head.

“I see. This larger pot allows the roots to spread. If the roots don't have enough space to grow, the plant will stay small and the yield will be insignificant.” she explained as she pressed the soil into the larger pot.

“What did you put in that tea you gave me lastnight.” my voice was low as i copied her movements.

“You thought you lost your brother that day. The pain you felt, made you who you are. Always running from your problems, scared. But I can sense you'll be seeing him again soon. Maybe it will change you again, maybe you will learn to be strong. To stand and fight for what you want.” her voice was smooth and uncorrupted. I felt like i could believe her, but how would i ever see him again. He was ten. How would i even recognise him if i did see him. How did she know if he was even alive?

“What? What did you just say?” i pressed on.

“In some cultures a person like me is called a seer, wise woman, or a crone.” She pressed her wrinkled lips together.

“How did you know about my brother.” She even knew my maiden name, Myah Boone.

“I saw the same as you lastnight. The Tea was made with Golden Caps. Hallucinogenic mushrooms that we grow to manage psychological trama in wolves who have survived a war.” she brought me to a large box that layed on the floor, a foul smell immiting from it. When she opened it up there were bunches of long stemmed mushrooms with tan colored tops.

“Why did you give it to me?” i was stunned at the entirety of our conversation this morning.

“Your trama is like the small pot, hindering your growth, keeping you small and feeble. You need to shed that trama so you can grow and florish into the woman your supposed to be. A woman worthy of leading our pack.” Her eyes shined as she looked at me with hope. Why was it so important for me to have a place at the head of this pack.

“I dont understand how reliving the worst moment of my life is going to fix me or make me a better woman.” I felt defeated by my past, every problem i had, i always ran from it.

“The tea was not for you, but for me. I needed to see what makes you who you are.” She closed the box and moved to the table we were just at to continue transplanting baby plants.

I was so confused. I wished i had someone to talk to about this, someone to confide in. i wished that person could be luke but i didnt know if he would be happy to know any of this. Maybe i could trust arthur.

“Holly. Do you know someone named Arthur?” if she was a seer, she should know everyone right?

“You recived our gift.” she smiled softly.

“Our?” i was suprised.

“Arthur is my mate. I learned much about you last night, including your great talents of the feild.” she commended me.

“Talents of the field?” i raised an eyebrow.

“Tracking, Hunting, and Archery. Talents of the feild. You should bring your bow to the training field and show them what you've got. Alpha spends most of his days at the feild.” part of me thought she was just trying to play match maker. Another part wanted to believe everything she was telling me, even the part about me seeing my brother again.

It was thrilling thinking about being out on that feild with a bunch of warrior wolves. I found myself excited for the end of the day, excited to practice with my bow, excited to take part in the pack dinner tonight. I wanted to find arthur to thank him, and i needed to do something nice for Holly to thank her.

“Holly. Thank you.” i said sincerely. My warm eyes hovering on her old face. She nodded.

“Do you know where i might find Arthur, so i can thank him too?” i finished.

“You may be able to find him in the stables. He has a mare that is due to birth any day now.” she shewed me out.

If you've made it this far, thank you for reading. Remember to vote if you like it, comment if you have any questions or criticism.- me.🐺

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