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“Don't think I don't know what you're doing.” I scowled as we walked down the dark path.

“What would that be.” he asked smoothly, his hand still hovering behind my back.

“Trying to make yourself look flawless to your pack.” I was annoyed. He could accept me in public, but in private he would do nothing more than tell me I wasn't good enough.

“Maybe I just wanted to treat my mate to a good time.” His sarcasm was clear. He was upset that Oliver pushed him to do something he wasn't ready for.

“Why didn't you invite me then?” I raised my eyebrows at him, holding back a sassy smile.

“Look. I know this isn't ideal for either of us. Trust me, I'd much rather have a mate that I didn't have to be afraid of hurting.” His honesty surprised me but more so annoyed me. I hated that he was trying to play the victim. He was the one who rejected me. He didn't even give me a chance, all because I'm only human.

“That's why you can't love me? Because you're scared you're going to hurt me?” I spat. “I'm stronger than I look, why can't you see that? Why can't you see past me being human!?” I stood still on my front porch as he held his hands in his pockets.

“I could hurt you.” He spoke quietly.

“You're hurting me right now. Luke, I don't understand a lot of this but I know that part of me craves your touch, for love, for comfort. Part of me knows that you would never let anything happen to me. That you're meant for me.” I felt desperate, like I was pleading with him to accept me.

“You feel the pull stronger than I do.” His eyes roamed the area around us, looking anywhere but at me.

“Can you honestly tell me that when I touch you, you feel nothing.” I pressed my palm against his cheek. He didn't try to move away. “That when you look into my eyes, you feel nothing?” His eyes finally met mine, boring into them with a desire that couldn't be matched by another human.

“It doesn't matter what I feel. My pack needs a strong Alpha.” He removed my hand from his face, gently. He opened my front door, standing aside for me to enter. I moved sonderly into the house, dreading the moment that his presence is no longer with me.

“Sleep well Myah.” I shuttered at his goodbye before shutting the door and running up to my bed. I wished I never came to Red Creek. Nothing but bad things have happened since the day I showed up here. I had been arrested and incarcerated, kidnapped, shot, and now I'm heartbroken over a supernatural being.

It was times like this when I would drink, when I would smoke my problems away. All I wanted to do was drown my sorrow, to feel numb. To forget about all the problems in my life. To run. I packed the bag of my stuff with a few snacks and took my bow and arrows and started to run.

It was so dark that I couldn't see much, just what the moonlight reflected off of. I didnt know which way I was going, or where I was headed. All I knew was that I couldn't stay here and be unhappy. I couldn't stay here and be reminded everyday that I would never be enough and there was nothing I could do to change it.

I ducked under limbs and hopped over downed trees and moss covered rocks. The spongy feeling of the moss under my hands as I used them for support creeped me out. I wasn't sure how long I would make it before someone came looking for me. Maybe nobody would notice I was gone until morning. At least that would give me a head start.

I ran until I was out of breath. I stopped to rest against a tree. The sky was dark, but there was light from the moon and the stars littered the sky. It was so dark in the forest that you could almost see purples and light smears against the dark blue of the night sky. I sucked in a breath as I heard a loud howl in the distance. I recognised it as Luke’s. He would come for me, he wouldn't let me leave. I climbed the first tree I could see with low enough branches. I took only my bow and Arrows, hiding my bag under the brush nearby.

I heard one set of paws pounding against the dirt as Luke neared me in his wolf form, no doubt following my scent. He couldn't climb a tree in wolf form, so I could probably wait him out.

I could see his grey wolf circling the base of the tree, looking up trying to find me. He whined and barked up toward me. A part of me wanted to climb down and consol the wolf part of Luke. The part I knew loved me back.

I heard a cracking and popping followed by an eerie silence. I knew he didnt leave, he wouldnt leave unless I was with him. He may be angry but his wolf wouldn't let him kill me. I found a certain comfort in the fact that no matter what I did his wolf would always protect me from anything, even his human counterpart. Dont ask me how I know, I can just feel it.

"Lets talk about Crooked Edge." He yelled up at me from the bottom of the tree.

Crooked Edge was where I was before Red Creek. The last place I ever wanted to go back to. My home town. The root of all my problems.

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