Chapter 8: Unresolved Tension

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Then, they heard chuckling. They looked up to see someone was watching them, eating popcorn.

"This is better than cable." Huge Gigantacus said when he swallowed his popcorn. "Nothing like two super villains talking about their past sins. Oh, please, continue. I was enjoying the show."

"What are you doing here?" Pink Diamond asked, showing slight fear in her voice because of how long he was there, listening to them argue.

"Did you really think I was going to let you take my planet?" Huge Gigantacus sneered. 

"Well, considering how you ran away like a baby when Rose hit you in the chest." Moonlight said.

Huge Gigantacus threw his popcorn at her. "I'm not letting the likes of you ruin my opportunity of the galaxy being mine!"

"Technically speaking, it belonged to the Diamonds." Pink Diamond corrected him.

"Oh, really?" Huge Gigantacus leaned forward in his floating chair. "Oh, well, I guess I should just give them back then."

"Really?" Moonlight's face beamed.

"NO, NOT REALLY!" Huge Gigantacus screamed like he was throwing a tantrum.

"Aw, does somebody need a nap?" Pink Diamond talked to him like he was a baby. 

Huge Gigantacus growled and aimed his ice ray at them. They both jumped out of the way to avoid being frozen.


Howard, Yellow and Rose went back to Homeworld after their encounter with the giant robot. They saw White Diamond holding a box that had different items in it. 

"What's in the box. White?" Yellow Diamond asked, curious to know the contents inside the box and why she was carrying it.

"It's Steven's old stuff." She answered, almost as if she's remembering the times when his only problem was the Diamond Authority. She grabbed a piece of crushed metal. "This was part of Steven's old armor. You know, the model before Moonlight destroyed it." She grabbed a blaster. "Your old toy that you gave him to combat gems." And then a watch. "And Steven's most brilliant invention, the watch."

Yellow Diamond smiled at the reminiscent. "Sometimes, I wish we were back there. We never realized how good we had it until Moonlight and Charlotte ruined everything."

"We should've shattered Moonlight." White Diamond said, feeling guilty that them not executing her is what led to Moonlight's atrocities on Steven. "We had her in a bubble and she was vulnerable." 

"We couldn't have known she would've been released in the future." Yellow Diamond attempts to cheer up White Diamond.

"It was sloppy of us to just leave her alive." White Diamond doesn't believe it as a simple accident. "Even back then, when we were enemies with Steven, that was completely foolish of us to just leave her floating around, just waiting to be released!"

"As I recall, we left her there until we could figure out how to control her." Yellow Diamond remembered the very reason why Moonlight was alive in the bubble all these years.

"And what good did that do?" White Diamond asked rhetorically. "It led to me getting shattered and Steven developing trauma." 

"Speaking of which, how was he when you went to Earth a few rotations ago?" Yellow Diamond changed the subject, knowing that if White continued to think of the past, she would start to cry. 

White Diamond seemed to be more than happy to talk about her visit with Steven. "It was very good. I'm always glad to see and talk to him."

"Anything involving Steven gets you happy, White." Howard said, smiling.

Steven Universe AU 3 by: Samuel152Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora